Chapter 32 || Kusuo's POV

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I sighed. Good grief. Did I really have to do this? 

I'd only been training for a few months. Each year it had failed. But now, four years later, with everything that had happened it these few months, I had no other choice. Now was the time I was to prevent it. The deadly explosion that would spur the end of Japan- I'd dreamt of it years ago, and have been training to this moment. If I couldn't stop it now, I'd have to rewind the time back another year, creating a loop that could disrupt current events.

At any rate, the annoyance of facing this disaster every year was enough motivation. But another was the strange girl I'd just met at the beginning of this school year. Suddenly I'd been able to read her thoughts, and I'm unable to comprehend my own feelings about hers. Y/n had began to catch feelings for me, it seemed... but what was she to me? I already had too much on my plate. 

She was a mere pain in my ass. Yet another disaster in my miserable life. That clumsy, unstable psychic, she budged into my life by a mistake... but there was something about her. Still, I couldn't stand the thought of being in her presence while I still had to focus on preventing the end of Japan. Someone had to protect the waifus of 40 year old Discord mods, and I was the only one who could. For the weebs, and for Y/n...

This time I was determined to end it all. So now, after dropping Y/n off at her home after cutting her love confession off and ghosting her for a few days- hey, it's not as bad as it seems. I'm busy with saving my country, okay? Everyone leaves people on seen every now and then. Life as a psychic is hard. Good grief, you wouldn't get it so just shut up and let me continue free of your privileged normie opinions.

So I was back in the desert, testing my abilities. My power's had gotten stronger, which was another reason I hadn't been to school in a few days. My parents were aware, but they forgot every year when I turned back time so they're just a bit confused. Then again, they are already brain damaged. I sighed and brushed the dust off my shirt. I rose a hand to shield my eyes against the bright sun. It must have been getting late in Japan, so I decided it was time to head back. I was planning out my strategies for stopping the volcanic irruption, so nights were restless. I was always anxious with worries for my social life and the current predicament. I sat down the four ton bolder and stretched.

Prepping myself, I then teleported back into my room. Looking over at my bed stand, I noticed my phone was buzzing consistently. I pulled my shirt off and sighed lightly. A small bruise had spawned above my pec. What a pain. The psychological and physical torture of being a psychic was exhausting. I checked my phone to see loads of messages from those morons dubbed my "friends" which only rubbed salt in my wound. A few messages were left unopened from Y/n. I didn't know what to feel at the moment and I couldn't allow myself to ponder the thoughts of our relationship. I didn't know what I wanted. It's not like I was afraid... Just, me? Kusuo Saiki... probably the most powerful being on this earth... dating a Sadako look alike that worked at a maid cafe... that had to be the most ridiculous idea. 

I glanced at my phone again, eyeing the notifications. My heart thumped in some strange way... and my cheeks were suddenly warm. Good grief, maybe the training had been too intense. No, maybe not enough. If  I just- Suddenly my room door swung open. In barged my disgrace of a father.

"Kusuo! Oh, you're home! Your mom and I-"

I stood up. They had startled me. I'd forgotten to remove my ring, which I had worn to help me better focus. Because of this, I didn't notice his motives of barging into my personal area. It might have been concerning how I didn't hear his clompers stomping up the stairs. "Get out," I commanded.

"Now there Kusuo, we are your parents and we are concerned so you will not-"

"Oh, Kuuu!" my mother cooed, appearing from behind him and pushing her way into my privacy. She retracted her arms that were outstretched for a hug when she noticed my missing shirt. She gasped in unison with my father.

"Kusuo, is that a hickey?!" said Kuniharu.

"No way!" Mom shrieked.

"Get out!"

"Aww, Kuu, are you and Y/n finally something??"

"Just remember to stay safe, Kusuo. You know, when I was your age-"

"Shut up," I said, pushing them out of my room. "It's a bruise, not that that's any of your business."

"Dinner's ready!" squeaked Mom as she was squeezed out as I shut the door. What a pain. Why'd they assume it was Y/n, anyway? Last time I remembered Kuniharu was rooting for Teruhashi. Sighing, I collected my clothes and took to a shower, washing the dessert dirt and fossil bits off my skin. No matter how much I tried to concentrate on my strategy to prevent the irruption, my mind kept drifting back to Y/n. How was she? She could she read my thoughts now as well? What was I going to do if I couldn't defeat this volcano?

There was only one day left until the explosion. I'd began to prep my clones, so I could send one to school tomorrow. If I didn't the idiots might get suspicious or suspect I'm sick. At any rate, I couldn't have them come to my house. My mother was too gullible; she might mistakenly admit them into the house believing they are my friends.

That night, I had a dream. I dreamt of Y/n, which was strange considering I'd never dreamt of a person before. Normally they were of events that would happen later, like the volcanic irruption. Premonitions, prophecies. Not normal dreams... Then again, I was wearing the ring that blocked out thoughts so I considered it a possibility that it had altered my dreams. It was a nice one. Y/n appeared a little older. She looked brighter, she was looking at me with her hair tucked behind her ears. Her e/c eyes shined in the sunlight as waves crashed at our feet. We were at a beach? Things were peaceful. Her laughter jingled in my ears, which I found shocking considering I don't think I've ever heard her laugh. Suddenly she closed her eyes and leaned in closer. She was..

I opened my eyes, heart racing. What a strange dream...

. . . . . . . .

A/n: tysm for reading :DD thank you for 47k reads and #10 in psychic! please remember to vote and like, i really appreciate it <33 chapter saiki pic:

A/n: tysm for reading :DD thank you for 47k reads and #10 in psychic! please remember to vote and like, i really appreciate it <33 chapter saiki pic:

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POV: you try to enter Saiki K's room. Thanks for reading!!!

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