Chapter 21 || Y/n's POV

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The bright pink fogging my vision turned to black just as I felt a pair of arms tackle me down. My head seemed to spin, and I was dazed. I must have bumped my head pretty hard.

"What the hell...?" I muttered, coming to my senses. A heavy body rested upon mine. I became aware of the position me and this ragdoll were in, and I wasn't a fan. Saiki's head was resting by my shoulder; his body lay on top of mine, barely touching as his forearm held himself somewhat up. His knee was placed in between my legs and... I need not say more.

"Get off." I snapped, cheeks heating. I tried to grasp what had happened but my mind seemed fuzzy.

"Well its not like I wanted this," grumbled Saiki. He pushed himself off of me, letting out a small huff of air that tickled my neck.

"Why are you so red?" He said, staring coldly into my eyes. I pushed him over from his sitting position and scooted back, hitting my back on some frame. I turned around to see a wooden bed frame with a blue comforter spilling over the sides. Looking around, I saw I was in a room. A bedroom- but whose?

"Kusuo...!" I hissed, coming to my senses. "Can you tell me why the hell I am in your bedroom?"

"Good grief," he said, standing up. He pinched the bridge of his nose like I was annoying him. "Do you not remember? That's bad because we seriously need to talk."

I turned my gaze and focused my memory. What had happened? Wait... suddenly, it came to me.

Reita Toritsuka.

My hands clenched and my heart pounded faster. Kusuo noticed my distress and sighed. "Can we talk about it?"

If this was his way of showing pity, it was annoying. His face just sat there, unamused, offering no sympathetic face.

"Why are you staring at me-"

"Why do you always look like a stone, Kusuo?"


"You heard me."

He crossed his arms. "What's your problem, Y/n?"

I rolled my eyes. "My problem is, you just kidnapped me and are now looking at me like I'm nothing more than a ball of lint in your pocket."

"That's just my face," he said. I smacked my forehead.

"Whatever, can we just go? I don't need to be here." I got up and headed to the door, but as soon as I opened it, it closed. I tried again, but it shut. When I turned around, Kusuo was right in front of me. The closeness made sparks fly- not romance, don't even think about it that way.

It was just a strange feeling. Not only were there small static pops, but also... an emotional thing. His hand hit the wall, trapping me beside his arm. Kusuo's minty cologne flooded my nostrils, and on top of that, his intense eye contact made it hard to breathe.

"You're not leaving before you tell me what happened," he said.

"There's not much to say." I turned my head to escape his piercing gaze. A force pulled my head back to face him.

"That's cheating-"

"Y/n, stop. Just tell me what happened- if we want to get through this, I need to know what provoked you."

I sighed. "Okay, but please stop leaning on me like a fuck boy."

He backed up and I followed him to sit on the bed. I had to be honest, I was kind of nervous telling this to Kusuo. He probably already thought I was a skank.

"Toritsuka and Takahashi..." I felt my cheeks heat from anger and shame. My hands tightened around the hem of my skirt.

"Toritsuka came up to me, and he... he told me, 'if I guess this right, you have to go on a date with me'. I thought, okay? Because I didn't really understand his point, but-"

"Did it involve a ghost?" Kusuo cut in.

"What? How would I know, this isn't the movies. Anyways... Takahashi followed behind him, and he said if he guessed right he'd get my phone number." I cursed myself. How had I let him distract me? Why would I stop for them? I should know to steer clear of desperate virgins and yet I let my guard down.

"Toritsuka said... he said the color of my..."

"Of your what?"

"Context Kusuo! Just... figure it out."

"What a pain. Why is it so hard for females to finish their sentences."

"Don't tell me you're that dense that you can't figure it out."

"Your... panties?"

"Shut up!" I stood up abruptly, angry that he would just spurt that out so nonchalantly.

"So... what color were they-"

"Kusuo...!" I whipped around and almost fell for how close he was. I took a step back and tripped. His hands caught my arms, and a chuckle escaped his lips. At least, I assumed. Now that I thought of it, was there actually a time when his lips moved?

All of the sudden I felt his supportive grasp slip and I plopped down.

"Ow- what the hell, Kusuo!?"

"You were looking at my lips. I didn't want to be kissed."

"That's not- I was just thinking. Don't get ahead of yourself, moron. I would never kiss a weird ass alien dude like you."

"So you'd rather kiss Toritsuka?" His eyebrow rose, staring down at me. I huffed and picked myself up, brushing off my uniform.

"Obviously not. But thanks for being an asshole, really. You're just making this harassment situation a lot better. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving."

I turned to go, but he caught my hand. My anger still not under control, I sent a current of power shooting out and knocked his hand off, unintentionally.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. Good grief; are you really taking this personally?"

I sighed. "Well, you're taking this as if it's a joke. You think this is funny? You're such a fucking pervert. I'm out."

"I'm sorry. It was wrong. I don't find this funny. I find it frustrating, that's all. They intruded, and we aren't going to let that pass."

I scoffed. "Yeah, sure. Well while you're planning an evil ambush, I'll be at school getting an admit slip since school started 43 minutes ago."

"We'll get him back," Saiki offered. "I know how Toritsuka knew the color of your underwear. Don't you want to know? Y/n, I know what he was did was wrong. So let's make him and Takahashi pay."

I turned around and crossed my arms. Saiki backed up and sat on the bed, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees.

"How? How did he know, and how would we get him back?" If there was one thing I was into, it was revenge. I still vowed to pay back Aiura once and for all.

. . . . . . . .

A/n: TYSM for reading!!! I've been winging it this whole book but now i have a plan for how it will end PERFECTLY. I'll start publishing more since I actually know what Im doing now. Until next time, here's your chapter saiki pic:

 Until next time, here's your chapter saiki pic:

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