Chapter 24 || Kusuo's POV

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I leaned against the café Mami wall, waiting for a certain someone to show up. I'd teleported here and she should be here soon with her hyper speed and all that. A vanilla breeze zipped past me and I turned my head to see Y/n.

"Are you crazy?" she whipped towards me. Her hair was thrown up into a bun, and it was hassled by the wind. She looked around, eyes a bit crazed, alert. 

"Imagine if someone saw."

"They didn't." I shrugged. "And you should have known that before you got here." I crossed my arms, raising an eyebrow at her.

That's when I noticed she was wearing pajamas. A floral tank top hugged her chest and emphasized her small waist. Soft wells of flesh pushed against the fabric, showing that there actually was something there. Pink lace lined the collar and hem, adding a feminine touch. Her collar bones were pronounced as she breathed in and out, shivering at the autumn breeze. Y/n's flared shorts matched, stopping above the upper thigh and showing off her slender fair legs.

"I think you're missing some clothes," I pointed out.

"This is your fault. I had to throw my clothes in the dryer since they were soaked from our little trip. Remind me why we happened to teleport there, Saiki?"

"I can't seem to recall," I stated blankly. "Either way, your outfit is pretty indecent. I thought you took measures to make sure you weren't noticed?"

My eyes wandered her exposed skin, most certainly amused. I enjoyed seeing her cheeks redden, body tense. Y/n let out an exasperated sigh, prancing her feet as if to combat the cold. Her legs were fair and smooth, like fresh milk. Her knees were blushed red, once again adding to the resemblance she shared with a doll.

"What are you looking at, pervert?" She snapped; her arms were quick to wrap around herself protectively. I lifted my lips slightly. The wind scattered a few strands of hair astray from her bun, her bangs flying out of her face.

"Not much," I remarked, eyes focused on her chest. She caught my eye line and sent me a glare while I turned away.

"Very funny," she snapped, hugging herself tighter. "You're such a gentleman, pointing out unnecessary things and watching me shiver as you wear a fleece coat.

"Good grief. What can I say? I was prepared. It's not my fault you can't say the same."

"Whatever. Just leave; the cafe isn't even open yet."

"Well, you sort of owe me. I was thinking coffee jelly on the house." I turned back around to face Y/n as I heard some keys jingling. Y/n unlocked the cafe's door and swung it open, ignoring me.

"I saved your life," I reminded her, stopping the door from slamming shut after she entered.

"As if," she muttered. "You were the reason we ended up there anyways."

"Only because I tried to help you. It was to get back Toritsuka, right? And we did- all thanks to me."

"I don't care. The owner said he's running some errands but the rest of the girl's should be back here. We've got a new waitress that I've got to show around so I'll be busy. Leave."

"You really are cold."

"Yes because you never lent me your jacket." She tilted her head and gave me a look, opening the employees only room door. 

"You can leave now. I've got to change and get ready." Y/n peeked her head out of the door, shooing me on. Her hair came loose and fell like a waterfall down her back. I found myself gazing at her sight: easygoing and... pretty. Good grief. How cheesy was I being? 

Reluctantly I left. My mind kept flashing back to the time we'd spent together. Seeing her in the water, rays of sunlight shining down on her face. Her clothing clinging on to her skin, hugging her body in an imperfect way that somehow mesmerized me. It was disturbing; had I began to fall for Y/n? No. It couldn't be. Me- a powerful psychic- falling for a clumsy emo shorty? Good grief, as if.

As I walked home, a bad feeling enveloped my body. I felt as if I were being watched, maybe just thought of.  Back at the cafe I'd felt a presence but I was too distracted to check it out. I could use my clairvoyance to check on Y/n, but if she was changing, that would probably be an invasion of privacy. I was not Toritsuka. Though naked bodies had no effects on me, I couldn't bring myself to imagine Y/n naked. Which, again, I'm sure Toritsuka would have no problem doing.

Now obviously you're probably like, Okay, Saiki, that's the bare minimum; boys shouldn't be visualizing their crushes naked. But listen: Seeing through clothes is normalized to me. I couldn't control it, and trust me, seeing Nendou naked randomly was not pleasant. Also, I was not attracted to Y/n either. The only attraction I had was curiosity. It was not anything else. It wasn't. Maybe, then, because I couldn't see through her normally, it was taboo to imagine what's underneath. Right? Yes, that seems right.

So, I kept walking. Replaying the events of today in my mind. I wasn't exactly sure how I felt, but I knew it couldn't be anything more than at most friendship. Suddenly I froze. Something was wrong. I sensed a dangerous situation before I heard it.

"Come on man, give us the money."

"There'll be no trouble if you just hand it over."

Oh, a few delinquents. Something in my gut told me it was about to go south, so I took this as an invitation to peek into the scene, a few blocks up. Teleporting to the sight, I hid behind the fence covered with tarp. The voices became clearer, developing their own husk and tone. Deep, rough, gangly.

"I told you man, I got no cash on me."

He sounded familiar- in my periphrial vision, I caught a flash of purple. Purple hair. The culprit of the voice, also the victim of the mugging was Aren Kuboyasu.

So that's why it was about to go south. Now knowing why, and pleased it didn't involve Y/n, I gracefully walked past the scene and let him handle himself. He was a part of his own story, so i would leave him be. Sounds of fist hitting flesh filled my ears, and the screams of the delinquents burst from the scene. I'd saw it coming.

. . . . . . . . . 

A/n: tysm for reading. I swear I have the storyline finished, i just have to put it down on words. sorry for the slow update, ive been busy with school and mental issues. please remember to vote and comment, thanks for 17k reads! ur saiki pic:

 please remember to vote and comment, thanks for 17k reads! ur saiki pic:

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