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Zeke returned hours later with all that she'd asked for, more than all that she'd asked for. She'd given him the sizes of her clothes and described to him what to buy from the women's aisle—it seemed he got confused, because it looked like he'd bought one of everything.

She couldn't help but chuckle as she went through the multiple packs of pads, pantyliners and tampons in multiple sizes and brands.

'It's good to hear some laughter.'

Kaitlyn turned. Jacob was watching her. He was standing in the aisle, gripping the back of a pew. His smile was kind. She quickly turned away.

She cleared her throat. 'Didn't hear you come in. Is everything okay outside? Are we safe?'

'It's secure—for now. But we will have to leave in a few short nights.'

'Why?' Still turned away, she gathered up some towels and a packet of body wipes.

'The church will provide us protection from enemy eyes but not for long. Soon, the darkness will creep through the cracks and they will find us. That is the power of the Dark One.'

Kaitlyn paused, clutching her things to her chest. 'So, what does that mean? We just run from church to church?'

He didn't answer. His green eyes gleamed.

Twisting her mouth, Kaitlyn gazed down at the pack of disposable razors. She picked it up. Awkwardly, her arms full with everything she needed, she got up and hurried away.

Back in the room where she'd previously relieved herself, she washed herself as best she could, then changed into some fresh clothes. Zeke had bought her a pair of comfortable long blue pants and a singlet top that read Let's Rock! Gratefully, she chucked her beer and sweat stained shirt into the corner along with her skirt. She lined her underwear with a pantyliner, brushed out her hair. He'd also bought her a pair of joggers which slipped on perfectly.

She was starting to feel a little better, a little more human, but she still didn't feel clean. It was likely she never would again, not when her mind and soul were so filthy. She gazed down at the pile of dirty body wipes, then over to the packet of razor blades. Ripping it open, Kaitlyn took one out.

She stared at it as she twisted it in her hand. She couldn't give a damn about her hairy legs. She would use it for a much more important thing. But how would she do it? Would the razor be enough? No. Those were not the right questions.

Could she do it?

Father Bartholomew' s blood flashed across the carpet. But it must be done. To save the Earth. To save humanity and its billions of souls.

Billions of souls.

Pocketing it, she folded her arms and leaned her forehead against the cool stone. It was something she didn't need to think about just yet, and she hoped it never would be. Despite what Samuel had said, there could still be a chance. No matter the odds, there was always a chance. Why else would the angels be here with her? Why else would they bother if they were only going to fail?

But you must have faith that God will triumph. He always does.

The day was long with nothing to do except to sit, stand and walk around the nave in circles. Zeke had bought her some books to read, which was nice, but her mind was too busy to take in a word. He'd also bought her a small radio, so she could keep abreast of what was going on in the world. She didn't know where he'd found it—it looked like it came from another century, but it managed to pick up the local station—and the news. Her phone would have been much preferred but that was long gone. And again, just as Father Alex had warned her, there was too much risk that she might be tracked.

According to what she was hearing, it seemed word of what had happened back home had spread around the country, maybe even around the world. It made her shift awkwardly in her pew. It made her palms sweat.

"The information is scant," spoke the radio host. "Authorities will still not divulge exactly what they suspect happened in the city streets of Foley in Baldwin County. Eye witness accounts suggest an unsuccessful terrorist attack. There have been three recorded deaths but no perpetrators have been apprehended. There were several major accidents due to traffic chaos but no significant injuries have been reported ..."

Kaitlyn had never liked being in the spotlight—and especially not for something like this. The only thing she could take comfort in was the fact that they didn't know who she was.

" ... a black sedan was spotted leaving the scene. And there is a suspect involved in the three deaths who Police are yet to question. Her name is Kaitlyn Seats, twenty-five-years-old. She's described as Hispanic, five feet nine, medium build with long brown hair. If you know the whereabouts of the young woman please contact your local police station."

Kaitlyn pressed her head into the pew in front of her with a groan. How was she going to get back to her life after this? If she had a life left?

"This is 112.5!" rang the station's jingle. "Your local radio station in the peaceful rolling hills of Magnolia, Columbia County, where a stranger isn't a stranger but merely a friend you don't know yet!"

Kaitlyn glanced around the church, checking if the angels were listening but Jacob and Catherine were deep in quiet conversation and David was sitting at the back immersed in one of the books Zeke had bought her.

Feeling sick, Kaitlyn shut the radio off.

The rest of the day passed slowly by. Who would have thought that running for your life could be so boring? But that was hardly the worst thing; she couldn't get her dream out of her mind. Why were things different now? Why was she suddenly remembering? At least when she couldn't remember she could pretend it wasn't happening.

Now, that was impossible. She felt the guilt of it like a heavy brick in her belly. She'd actually submitted to him. She'd sucked his cock! And she'd liked it. She liked it even now. The way it felt. The way it exploded in her mouth. She could still taste him down the back of her throat and no amount of food or water or washing her mouth out could get rid of it.

For most of the day, she kept her eyes averted from the angels. Or, she at least tried. Despite "relieving" her tension earlier that morning, the feelings and sensations returned in full force. She burned. She ached. She yearned. And the angels weren't helping with their beauty and gentleness and breathtaking eyes. More often than not her eyes drifted over their perfect faces, over their hard bodies ...

It made the brick in her guts grow even heavier. She was lusting after angels! What could be more sinful than that? It made it hard to eat her lunch. It made it hard to do anything except torment herself over her own shame.

Then darkness began to fall and too late Kaitlyn came to appreciate the slowness of the day. The nights could be so quick. And the nights were his.

The hall seemed so dark and cold as she walked down it towards her room. Again, Jacob and the others stayed in the nave. Jacob had wished her a peaceful night but she hadn't said anything in return, only winced and turned away.

She stopped in the doorway, her stomach tight. She didn't want to go in there—and yet she did. Even the simple sight of her tussled sheets sent her skin crawling, sent her insides burning. The electric light flickered and it made her grasp her chest in both terror and excitement as it threw the shape of a tall, broad figure against the wall. Then the light turned steady and it disappeared.

Kaitlyn sat down in the middle of the bed, clutching her knees to her chest. Bracing her chin upon them, she looked down at her toes as she rocked back and forth. How was she going to sleep tonight? She didn't want to sleep. She desperately wanted to sleep.

He would be there. Waiting for her.

With nothing else for it, she closed her eyes and clasped her hands together. It had been so long since she'd last prayed that it felt strange and awkward and wrong. Please, God, keep him away. Let me have a peaceful night tonight. Be at my side. Comfort me. Protect me. Keep me safe. Make me strong.

After several minutes, she took a deep breath and lay down. Even as she continued to pray, her heart raced with excitement. Her body tingled. Her hips burned. The thrill and dread that she was about to see him again kept her awake for so long that it was hours before her eyelids finally slipped shut.

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