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Kaitlyn stared up at a familiar ceiling. The giant candelabra flickered and gleamed. She could hear the fire crackling in the fireplace. The window looking out onto hell was open and she could hear the awful screaming of all those poor souls burning in the hellfires.

She tried to sit up, only to jerk back down again. What the heck? She looked above her. She was trapped, her wrists cuffed to the headboard. With a cry, she squirmed and wriggled but couldn't get free. And it hurt—the steel was cold and it pinched sharply into her skin.

The next thing she noticed was that she was naked, her breasts shining in the light, her nipples large and soft in the warmth of his room. She'd never been naked before, not when she'd first started a dream. Cuffed and naked—it surprised and electrified and terrified her all at the same time.

A shadow walked past and she froze, her heart fluttering in her throat. She heard footsteps. Holding her breath, she watched as the shadow circled from behind her, stopping at the foot of her bed. It was Satan, of course, looking his usual, glorious self. For the first time since she'd encountered him he was wearing clothes, a deep red dressing gown that fell in layers to the floor. It was open at the front, revealing his hard chest and a pair of white drawstring pants that were so thin she could see the outline of what lay beneath.

'What are you doing?' Kaitlyn said, twisting her arms in the cuffs. 'Let me go.'

'Do you really want me to?' He smoothed his hand down his stubbled neck as he considered her. Circling the bed again, he sat on it next to her. Kaitlyn tingled. He was so close. He frowned, then reached over to touch her cheek, stroking it with his thumb. Kaitlyn tried to turn away but his bright blue eyes bid her turn back.

'Such a pretty thing.' His skin gleamed golden. The flickering firelight chiseled out the hard muscles in his abdomen. His nipples were a deep red against the light. One of his tattoos, a snake eating itself, was slowly turning around like a wheel on his chest.

He smiled and it lit up his face. It made Kaitlyn's heart race. 'I remember you.' He raised his eyes to the rest of the room. 'I'm remembering this like I haven't done before. It seems we are getting closer. Our time is drawing nigh.' He lowered his eyes back to her face. 'Does it excite you?'

Kaitlyn didn't answer.

Continuing to smile, he smoothed his big hand down along her throat, then between her breasts where it lingered. It was almost as though he was feeling her heartbeat. Then he laid his hand upon her breast.

Kaitlyn moaned.

'Do you really want me to let you go?' he repeated.

Kaitlyn swallowed. A tear trickled down her cheek. She shook her head. 'You ... you left me.'

'Yes. Such a selfish thing I did, leaving you so tormented.' He laughed as he trailed his eyes down along her body. 'Do you yearn for me?' He laid his hand against her abdomen. It was so warm, so electric. Kaitlyn moaned again. His voice dropped to a whisper. 'Do you feel what I feel?' He smoothed his hand lower down her pelvis until it lay atop her womb. His eyes flashed. 'Such a wondrous thing you women possess. Such a powerful thing. If only I had that power, things would be so much simpler.' He laughed again. 'An ironic thing—to be a woman is to be powerful.' He smoothed his hand around her hip. 'And I will have that power any way that I can.'

He stroked her belly button. 'What is your name?'

Kaitlyn opened her mouth, then snapped it shut.

He dropped his voice to a whisper. 'Tell me.' He smoothed his hand down between her legs, cupping her there. It felt so good that the muscles in her lower abdomen spasmed. Kaitlyn stifled another moan as she bit down on her lip.

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