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 Kaitlyn opened her eyes. She didn't move, afraid to disturb Jacob. The room was quiet. It was still dark, the light from the lamp gleaming against the walls. She was lying against his warm chest with her head on his shoulder.

She glanced up at him. He was leaning with his back up against the wall, his eyes closed. He looked so handsome: his angular jaw, his long lashes, his flawless skin, the gentleness in his expression. She knew he wasn't sleeping. Still, she didn't want to disturb him. Not when he looked so comfortable, so content. She didn't want to ruin it. She didn't want to ruin something so perfect with what she had to tell him. Her back was sore. Her neck was aching. But worst of all was the nagging knot in the pit of her stomach—what had she done?


She winced, then met his emerald eyes. 'I told him about you,' she blurted. 'I'm sorry.'

His eyes widened. 'You did?'

'I'm sorry!'

He raised his eyebrows. 'You've only just told him, after all this time?'

'You're-you're not angry?'

Jacob sighed. 'When are you going to learn, Kaitlyn? I don't get angry—not with you.'

She pressed her face into his shoulder with a gasp of relief.

'Was he surprised?'

'Extremely. But he was also ... happy about it.'

Jacob grunted. 'I'm surprised myself. It's strange that Tyrone didn't inform him. It's something he would have really wanted to know.'

'Yes,' she said. 'I saw.' Kaitlyn would never forget that smile. That laughter. 'He-he wanted me to give you a message.'

He paused. 'What?'

'He said his door is always open.'

Jacob frowned. Kaitlyn waited for a response but he was expressionless and silent.

'What did he mean by that?' she said.

He touched her face with a smile. 'Do not worry. It means nothing.'

Kaitlyn stared at his lips. They looked just as kissable as Satan's, so lush, so soft-looking. His arms were so warm. And he smelled so damn good. Those eyes—did they never stop smiling? Their bodies were so close their hips were touching. The urge to do something suddenly became overwhelming.

She took a breath. Get control of yourself! Remembering how he'd reacted the last time she'd attempted something sexual, she tried to pull away.

He seized her wrist. 'Stay.'

She shook her head. 'I can't. I feel .. I feel ...' She turned her face away with a grimace.

'That's okay.'

Kaitlyn turned back to him with a start. What did he mean? He was watching her strangely, differently. The look in his eyes was no longer simply kind and warm. It was something ... else.

Something more.

'It's okay,' he repeated. 'That's why I'm here.'

'What—what do you mean?' Was this really happening? She shouldn't hope. He had to mean something else. He was an angel: perfect and beautiful and startling. And she was just a woman—and not a particularly great one at that. There was just no way.

Just no way.

But then he leaned in and kissed her and her brain switched off. Her doubts vanished as she closed her eyes and moved her lips with his. He gripped her chin with one of his big, gentle hands. Kaitlyn grabbed onto his shoulder as she kissed back more deeply. He opened his mouth. With a groan, she met his tongue. It was sweet. It was warm. It was everything she'd dreamed it to be.

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