Dirty Little Secret - Chapter 9

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A/N; Hah so heres chapter nine. Its raw and uneditted. But i hope you like it :) Ive added some more twists and suprises in.

Chapter 9

Macy P.O.V

I watched as he walked away, as the heat rose on my cheeks. I bet my cheeks were as red as my hair. Blaze had wondered off and so had my parents and Felicity. I sighed and began to take in Blaze’s house, pale olive walls and golden tiles. Too my left was the living room which I could see contained brown couches, a fire place and a plasma TV hanging over.

I turned to my right where a staircase was, curious I begin to venture up it. With my hand sliding on the rail I slowly walked while looking at the pictures that hung off the wall. I inched closer to a particular photo with a silver frame that contained a photo with a young girl about 5 years old with her hair in brown piggy tails and a cheeky smile.

She was looking contently up at a younger Blaze, his hair was ruffled and brown he too was grinning down at the little girl with adoration. Blaze looked so happy; I’d never seen him genuinely smile. I continued up the staircase passing more and more pictures. Each picture with different people in it, Blaze seemed to grow taller and older.

After 4 pictures the little girl disappeared from them and Blaze stopped smiling, his hair was now dyed pitch black lastly his eyes showed regret. I stared at the picture for over 5 minutes, It was Blaze standing with a bunch of middle-aged people all smiling at the camera, Blaze was distant.

Something about the photo made chills run up my spine, I shivered in response. I moved away from the photos since I had made it to the second level of the house, the walls were half painted yellow and white with bright lights hanging off the ceiling.

I kept walking past doors, I didn’t knowing where I was going but I kept walking until something caught my eye. One of the doors had, KEEP OUT sketched into it with something sharp. I lightly knocked on the door but there was no response so I gently pushed it open.

The room was painted a dark red, there was a bed at the corner with hoodies and skinny jeans messily chucked on top. I’m pretty sure this room was Blaze’s due to the poster covered walls, I looked out the window to see it opposite my bedroom.

Yep, definitely Blaze’s bedroom. Suddenly the thought hit me; I’m in Blaze’s room. I could feel a smile tugging at my lips. He hardly let out any information about him; I began to snoop around the room. I started looking through his bookcase, his closet and his loose sheets of paper.

I sighed in frustration as I found nothing; I collapsed in exhaustion on his bed. I felt my body hit something hard, my hands searched the bed for the hard object I had landed on. I grasped something hard and pulled it out from under the covers triumphantly.

It was a small black cover book, there was a band holding it together with loose papers spilling out the sides. I carefully removed the band. I could feel my heart beating against my chest as I opened the cover. As soon as I opened the cover, the door slammed open and I jumped in surprise, papers spilling everywhere.

An angry looking Blaze stood at the door, arms folded, a scowl across his face. “This isn’t the bathroom is it,” I squeaked out. Blaze didn’t find this amusing especially when he saw what I had in my hands, he rushed towards me, grabbing the book out of my hands and the loose papers.

Blaze sighed in frustration, “What were you doing in here? Can’t you read the sign – Keep. Out.”

“I got lost?” I avoided his eye contact but I could feel him starring daggers at me.

“Whatever, just get out NOW,” he growled.

I quickly ran out of the room and down stairs into the living room, I had never seen Blaze that angry before and I was determined to find out why. All I know is that it has something to do with the piece of paper from Blaze’s book that was crammed into my dress pocket.


I was seated next to Blaze while opposite was Mum, Dad and Felicity. Mr and Mrs Morrison were seated at the head of the table. Dinner was delicious spaghetti and bolognaise, I kept stuffing food in my mouth while the parents made polite dinner conversation.

 My parents seem to be getting along quite well with Blaze’s parents. I silently kept eating, shoving more food into my mouth I probably look like I didn’t have any manners. Mum looked up and glared at me, Chew with your mouth close, Macy. I could almost hear her think.

I ignored her and kept eating when I felt something warm touch my left thy. I jumped in shock but luckily no one noticed. I looked down at my left thy too see a hand laying on it; my eyes followed the hand up to its arm, till I saw its owner was none other than Blaze.

In disgust I swatted it away, out of the corner of my eye I saw Blaze smirking away. “So Blaze, how do you know our little Macy,” my dad spoke.

I choked on the spaghetti that was currently in my mouth and had to drink my whole glass of water. Blaze just smiled and snaked an arm around my shoulder, “Were dating.”

I watched in horror as my parent’s mouths hit the floor and Felicity started giggling. I was too scared to even see what Blaze’s parent’s reaction was. I felt something faintly vibrate in my pocket.

I pulled out my phone to see a call coming through. I pushed my chair out and timidly looked at everyone, “Excuse me, I’ve got to take this,” I said pointing to the phone. I am personally going to kill Blaze Morrison .I thought to myself as I walked out into the deck and brought the phone to my ear.

“Hello?” I spoke into the receiver.

“Hey Macy, Its Aaron.”

My heart skipped a beat and my eye widened.

“Aaron? Why are you calling?”

“I’m in trouble and well I would’ve have called the others but their all out partying, but I knew you wouldn’t be.”

“Gee, thanks for saying I don’t get out much. What kind of trouble?”

“My car won’t start and I'm deserted in some unknown place, plus I need to talk to you.”

He needs to talk to me?

“Let me guess, you want me to come pick you up?”


“Fine, I’ll trace your call and come get you. In the meantime don’t do anything stupid,” I grumbled.

“You’re the best Macy,” Aaron stated before he hung up.

I left the deck and went back into the dining room, “Sorry about this but I have to go, one of my friends is in trouble. It was nice meeting you Mr and Mrs Morrison, thank you for a wonderful dinner,” I quickly said before rushing out the front door.

“Macy! Macy!” I heard my name being shouted as I jogged around to my red mustang.

I whirled around, “What?”

Blaze was intently looking down at me, “Whose in trouble?” his expression was actually worried but this all changed when I muttered his name, “Aaron.”

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