I'm Done Pretending - Chapter 17

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Dedicated to my beautiful niece, your my inspiration for this chapter-

-A/N; some of this is written in third person - and i hope you like it-

Blaze P.O.V

I rolled over banging straight into the wall, I swore silently - being careful not to wake Macy. I clutched my head as I slowly got up - my head spinning with a hangover. I glanced at the bed, I expected her to be tangled in the sheets- hair sprawled everywhere.

But it was empty - unslept in, I had fallen asleep after her, so where could she be. I was fully awake now - searching the room for her, she had to be here. My eyes frantically searching in the dark, I paused over the window that was slightly ajar.

I could hear vague voices murmuring as the wind carried away their hush conversation, I could make out their figures a tall guy and a girl - I really wish it wasn't her, I really did. But as soon as light reflected from the streets, her red hair glowed before being swept by darkness.

I slammed the window shut; she was always going to go back to him - no matter how I tried to teach her, he just wasn't good enough for her. And along the process of this stupid revenge game, id fallen for her - more than I can possibly imagine.


Macy p.o.v

My head turned to the noise of Blaze's window shutting - I swear I saw a retreating figure, it was probably the wind, and I wrapped myself up in my jumper - the goose bumps on my arm running wild.

"What do you want Aaron?"

Aaron's eyes were tired, his eye bags were heavy - he gave me a tired smile, "I hope I'm not too late..."

"For what?"

"He's stolen your heart - it now belongs to him," his words were quiet but they echoed inside my head. I was going to interrupt him, make him take that back but I couldn't - because it was somewhat true.

"I know I lost my chance, you think the worse of me - but I need you to listen carefully to me," his eyes showed fear, regret, lost and mostly love - and it scared me, the hell out of me. He took my silence as a gesture to continue.

"You see - all the football boys were doing this stupid bet to see who could string along a girl the longest - at first I was all up for it, just for some fun. They picked you, I never really understood why but by the 3 week I couldn't care because I'd met you," he paused, hatred and betrayal were screaming through my mind.

He continued, "I began to fall deeper and deeper into the lies, the bet was forgotten - all I needed was you, I had fallen for you Macy, and hard. But the guys knew I had won, so they said they'd give up the gig as soon as they outed you and me, expose the bet."

I was really tempted to slap him, it was game all along - the web of lies he spun continuously, he should have just told me the truth. I was screaming inside, but I patiently let him finish.

"So I dumped you, in the worse way imaginable so you'd hate me, forget about me so you wouldn't get hurt by the boys - because I care for you, I love you," his words got quiet, his eyes searching mine for forgiveness.

I took a step towards him, "I love you? Well did you ever think dumping me like that could hurt me? Oh because you were stupid enough to go along with those boys - what am I supposed to believe Aaron? What if this is another lie or bet? You should've just told me from the start, it's too late - I want nothing to do with you, anymore."

I snapped, it felt good - my head was spinning and my heart was pumping to the extreme - I finally said what I needed to say, Blaze would be proud. Blaze, what would he think of all of this - I was suddenly so desperate to retreat to his room.

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