Charmingly Rude - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Biology was never my favourite class, dissecting made me faint - more like blood made me squirm. I followed Chloe into biology, grabbing our normal seat at the back. Instead of joining me Chloe ran to Mr Abington and whispered in his ear, he briskily nodded.

Chloe grinned and sat down next to me. I raised an eyebrow at her What did you do? And she gave me back an innocent shrug saying Do you always presume I'm up to something. Chloe always had a motive,I had an uneasy feeling it had something to do with the plan.

The second bell rang signalling for class to start and Mr Abington was writing something up on the board when Blaze decided to show up for class.

"Mr Morrison care to tell me why you're late to class?" Mr Abington stood in Blaze's way. Blaze just stood there looking at Mr Abington. Arrogance was just radiating off him, i rolled my eyes as he just stood there.

"Well?" Mr Abington asked again.

Blaze sighed, "Well if you must know I was doing Sally Cooper behind the shed."

The class snickered, they found Blaze's casual sex life amusing but Mr Abington didn't, he started to turn red as a tomato regretting what he had asked, "Take a seat young man." trying to regain authority in his biology class.

Class continued normally, the thought going through my head was how was I going to get Blaze involved into this scheme.

"Okay class, I'll put you into partners for your upcoming assignment." Mr Abington grabbed his roll chart calling out names to be partnered with a random you could hear moans coming from people as they moved to their new partners.

"Samson with Taylor, Jillian with Chloe, Ginger with Thomas, Macy with Blaze."

I stopped listening to Mr Abington after he said my name, me partnered with Blaze? This wasn't no accident. As I stood up to go sit next to him I saw Chloe pointing and mouthing, "Plan is in action!"

I knew Chloe was up to something...I sent her a stoney glare which she pretended not see. I grabbed the work sheets that we were meant to be working on before making my way to Blaze.

"Hi," I said as I sat down next to Blaze. He barely acknowledged me, a nod was as good as I got. Once everyone had settled down Mr A was going on about some life cycle? I don't know I stopped listening.

I turned my attention to Blaze, now how was I going to ask him. I tapped his shoulder gently, "WHAT," he hissed, nearly causing me to fall off my chair.

"Ur, hi I'm Macy." I extended my hand towards him but he just rolled his eyes. As if I was a waste of his time.

"Your Aaron's girlfriend right?" He smirked, I noticed his eyes would cress when he smirked.

"EX-girlfriend." I corrected him. Where had he been all day? The whole school knew by now.

Blaze laughed, "What did he do, cheat on you? Turn gay? Personally I'm betting he's a homosexual."

"Pfft, gay perhaps but he dumped me today on our 2 year anniversary."


"Is there a problem, Miss Hawthorne and Mr Morrison? Don't make me regret partnering you guys up." Mr A asked.

"No, not at all sir." I answered immediately, Chloe would kill me if i stuffed up.

"Teacher's pet," Blaze mumbled next to me.


"So I was wondering..."

I didn't get to finish my sentence cause the smart-ass cut me off, "I'm sorry, Molly I don't go out with..." he gave me an up and down glance, "...Your type."

I gapped at him with an open mouth, he just simply snorted, "What are you? a goldfish?" I quickly snapped my mouth close.

Jerk, stuff the plan.

I could almost hear Chloe saying in my mind, "Give up on this plan, and you're letting Aaron win."

I rolled my eyes, Jerks these days. "It's Macy, and I wasn't going to ask you out." Well kind of...

Blaze's smirk just grew bigger, "Whatever."

Another minute of silence, "Blaze?"

"Hmm?" his voice getting irritated.

"Hear me out, you and I both know that we don't like Aaron. So I have a plan to get revenge, he hates you right? But he's obsessed with always having the girl. So I say we "FAKE" date to make him jealous. It's a win win situation, you get to make him angry and I get to turn him down. Whadda say?"

If that kid had brains, he just made a thinking face. His intense blue eyes were staring straight at me, "What can I say, I love revenge. Babe." with that he winked and went back to scribble on his page.


Ahaa Blaze is one sexy stud muffin ;)

Hope you guys liked it

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