Moving Forward - Chapter 10

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“Macy! Macy!” I heard my name being shouted as I jogged around to my red mustang.

I whirled around, “What?”

Blaze was intently looking down at me, “Whose in trouble?” his expression was actually worried but this all changed when I muttered his name, “Aaron.”


Chapter 10

“That ass broke your heart and you just drop everything for him,” Blake’s eyes narrowed.

“He needs help,” I protested.

“You’re not going.”

“You’re not the boss of me,” I grabbed my car keys from my pocket and placed my hand on the car door.

I felt strong hands push me back against the car, pinning me against the car

“What in the name of-“  I started but was cut off by Blaze, “You can’t go Mace…”


Blaze looked away, his black hair hiding his blue eyes, “Because… Because you just can’t.”

I made a buzzer sound, “Wrong answer, just please let me go. Think of it this way its part of the plan. Fool him into thinking I still care about him.”

Blaze brought both of his hands to cup my face, forcing me to make eye contact with him, “Do you?”

Now it was my turn to look away, “No,” I whispered. Blaze could sense I was hesitating, “Fine, go but I'm coming with you.”

I opened my mouth to protest but Blaze had already made his way into the passenger’s seat. I sighed and slide into the driver’s seat last thing I wanted was a brawl between Blaze and Aaron in a stranded place.

I had traced Aaron’s phone call to a deserted parking lot not too far from horse stable. Why in the world would Aaron be there? I thought as I reversed the car out of the driveway.


I parked the car on the main road where the street lights shone bright. I got out of the car slamming the door shut, I was glad to get out because the whole way here Blaze wouldn’t stop annoying me. First it was the radio station which result in a 20 minute debated argument if Paramore could beat Black Veil Brides in a Battle of the Bands competition.

Secondly Blaze seemed to think he was a GPS, I don’t even know why I let him in my car. I began to walk through the field of grass and turned to the path that leads into the deserted parking lot. “Macy! Macy!” a hushed voice called.

“What?” I whirled around. Blaze was jogging to catch up to me, “Were a couple remember.”

“So?” I raised an eyebrow. “We’ve got to act like one,” Blaze said as he slipped his hand into mine. I rolled my eyes and dragged him into the parking lot.

The parking lot was completely dead the only light was from the full moon reflecting off the tar. I spotted Aaron’s car in the far distances and tugged Blaze’s hand for him to hurry up. “Be nice,” I whispered to Blaze.

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