True Story - Chapter 6

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Heey guys, i posted some photos of the characters. - Sorry if the photos are clear.

Thankyou xx

Chapter 6

A week had passed and the plan was still on. Blaze and I never really talked; it was only for show when Aaron walked past. But what I knew was that Blaze was hooking up with random girls behind the shed, it didn’t bother me but hello we were supposed to be dating!


I wonder how long this charade would last, I accidently mention to Chloe that we should call it quits oh boy was I dead meat.

“WHAT? After all my hard work?” Chloe literally looked upset.

“It’s just its getting me nowhere.”

“But why?” Chloe’s eyes were sad.

“Because Blaze’s the biggest jerk, after Aaron. And frankly his getting on my nerves.”

Chloe looked at me with her puppy dog eyes, “Please… Just hang on for a little longer.”

I let out a frustrated grunt before leaving Chloe jumping with excitement over my defeat.

~ Next Morning~

I woke up to an engine coughing out fuel. I looked out the window to see a massive moving truck next door in the driveway. No one had lived in that house for ages, it wasn’t haunted or anything just too expensive.

I got ready for school and then skated to school. I collided with someon causing me to fall off and something to land on top of me, “Aye watch where you’re going,” I yelped. The guy that was on top of me chuckled softly, “Sorry, I guess I'm just attracted to pretty ladies,” he then winked with those beautiful green eyes.

I had heard that voice before and I had seen those eyes vaguely before. They belong to Luke Samuels, a mate of Aaron’s and of course the schools sleeze. He had a rep of leading girls on for a one night stand than leaving them heartbroken.

Luke treated it as a game, I heard him call it “6 hours to get in and out” I’ve never really liked him, in fact I never really liked any of Aaron’s friends. “Earth to Macy,” Luke said waving his hand frantically in front of my face.

I shook my head of the thoughts, “Earth to Luke, you’re on top of ME,” I pushed him off me getting up, grabbing my skateboard and walking away when someone grabbed my right shoulder, I turned around to see a smiling Luke.

“Hey, so I heard you and Aaron split and now you’re with Blaze, you move quick,” he said winking, Ulgh Perverted boy.

“Hah that’s rich coming from the school’s player,” I smirked back.

He clutched his chest where his heart was, “Oh I'm hurt.”

“Need some ice for that burn?” I asked sweetly.

“The only way you could fix it is by ditching both Aaron and Blaze for me, it’ll be a quicky, Promise. And if you want so more you know where to find me,” he winked once more before leaving me there standing dumbfounded.

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