Stanhope mansion

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Ursula's mother opened the door. "You sure it's not a divorce?" her mother asked. Ursula's eyes widened.
Ursula's father came through the hallway, "She's just kidding right Beatrice?" Arthur asked.
Beatrice barely let out a yes that was audible enough for them to hear.
"Let me see my grandson!" Arthur said with his arms out as Ursula handed Junior over to her father.
Ursula's mother said, "You said you have something important to discuss with us." Ursula handed over the picture of her parents' friends. Her mother examined it. "Mary and Jack; We lost touch with them before you were born Ursula."
Ursula asked, "How?"
Beatrice replied, "They started saying silly things like their money was inherited through Jack's grandfather Lord Greystoke, the character from Tarzan." Ursula was shocked.
"Mother, I think they were telling the truth."
Beatrice replied, "Just because George is real doesn't mean there is a Tarzan." Ursula asked her mother where they lived.
Beatrice replied, "How should I know? Beatrice looked over at George. "What's with him?" her mother scoffed as she took a sip of wine. Ursula handed her mother the photo of George as a baby with his parents. "Mary and Jack had a baby. Where did you find this?"
Ursula took a deep breath and asked, "you are saying that this is them?" Beatrice nodded. Ursula continued, "In the treehouse with George's stuff from the plane crash....Mother....Mary and Jack are George's parents and they are alive aren't they?" All Beatrice could say was "Yes." Arthur came back from being with Junior.
"Junior seemed tired so I put him to bed. What did I miss?"
Beatrice exclaimed , "Mary and Jack are George's parents!" Beatrice took another sip of wine.
Arthur was shocked and said, "We need to contact them."
"Clayton Bank," Beatrice said. "Always were richer than us."
Ursula asked, "Oh so I guess you like George now that he's richer than us."
Beatrice asked, "Who said I didn't like him?"
Ursula rolled her eyes and said, "that's what I thought."

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