The Birth

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It was early morning and Ursula was nine months pregnant. After breakfast, George left to do his usual jungle routine patrolling. Ursula was sitting in their rocking chair and started having contractions. "George, I need him." Tookie was there and George had taught Ursula enough Tookie language enough to say Help. She said help in his language and Tookie flew to find George. Tookie found him and translated Ursula's message. George quickly grabbed hold of a vine and went straight home. Ursula was doing some breathing exercises when George found her. He picked her up and carried her. They got on Shep and rode over to the village where Kwame lived. He had some medical expertise on this and Kwame's wife helped deliver babies in the village.They went into a little house where Ursula lay in a little bed. George was by her side holding her hand. The contractions were getting closer and closer and it was time to push. Ursula was in so much pain without having any drug to help it. She was sweating like crazy. She started exaggerating, "George! You did this to me! I hate you!" George started to cry and back away.
Kwame looked over to George, "George, she doesn't mean it women say a lot of things they don't mean when they are in labor." Ursula continued to cry out. George went back over to Ursula and held her hand.
Kwame's wife said, "Ursula, I can see the head, one more push."
Ursula cried, "I can't!"
George said, "Ursula look at George." She did.
"Ursula has been doing a great job, just give one more push and we can meet our baby." She let out another push.
"That's it Ursula!" Kwame's wife said. The heard a baby cry. Ursula and George looked over. Kwame's wife held up the baby.
"It's a boy," Kwame said happily.
"It's a boy. We have a son George," Ursula cried. Kwame's wife handed the baby to Ursula and George. George had his arms wrapped around Ursula and their son.
"Do we have a name?" Kwame asked.
"George, George Junior," Ursula said.
Ursula looked over to George and they both shared a kiss. "I love you," George said.
"I love you too," Ursula said. Junior cooed. George kissed his forehead.

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