Wedding Rings

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George and Ursula left the treehouse for a little bit. They rode on Shep.
"Where are we going?" Ursula asked.
"It's a surprise, he replied."
He held onto her tightly as we rode through the jungle. Soon enough, they came upon a village. Shep stopped and George hopped down and helped Ursula get down off of Shep. George walked her over to a woman who had a bunch of handmade jewelry made. There were necklaces, bracelets and rings.
The woman said, "the rings are ready George."
Ursula looked over to George and asked, "Rings?"
George looked at her and replied, "George knows that when two people marry, they both exchange rings."
"How'd you know about that?" Ursula asked.
George replied, "Ursula used to wear the ring from Lyle and Ape talked to George about the ring exchange."
The woman spoke up, "And he's been working here in the village helping everybody out to pay off the rings."
Ursula started to tear up. George looked concern. "Is Ursula alright?" George asked.
Ursula replied, "I'm fine, I just can't wait to marry you." Ursula gave him the biggest hug.
"Here are the rings," the woman said as she handed them over to George. They weren't like the other rings that everyone wore in America with a diamond, but she already had a ring like that with Lyle and wasn't happy with it. These had a greenish color with them with a brownish color stone to it. They were perfect for them. She tried her ring on. "It fits perfectly," Ursula said happily. George is perfect. They thanked the lady and left. They hopped up onto Shep.
"So that's what you have Ben doing while you haven't been home," Ursula laughed. She kissed him and they rode home.

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