A new addition

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It was morning in the jungle. George and Ursula have been married for a few months now. Ursula was still asleep in the treehouse and George was preparing breakfast for her in their kitchen in the treehouse. Ursula looked over in the direction of her husband and smiled. She got out of bed and looked over at their wedding picture that was sitting on their little dresser.
"Ursula hungry?" George asked as he carried over her breakfast tray and set it on their bed."
Ursula gave her husband a big hug and a kiss and thanked him.
"Anything for my Queen," George said. After George and Ursula finished their breakfast, a bongo gram echoed through the jungle.
"I wish you could stay home," Ursula said as she held onto his hand.
"George will be back as soon as I can." Ursula gave him a hug and a kiss. He smiled and grabbed hold of a vine and went into the jungle. Several hours had passed as Ursula did the dishes and read a few chapters of a book. She looked through their wedding album. She looked over at their calendar. It didn't matter if it were a Saturday or a Monday there, everyday felt blissful. Ursula did notice that it was the 30th." "My period usually falls around the 14th. I'm a couple weeks late." She went over to her bag of toiletries and pulled out a pregnancy test. She brought over a few of them. Moments later she checked all three of the tests. They all read positive. "I can't believe it! I'm pregnant! Oh wait till I tell George. How should I tell him? I can't wait till he comes home!" It was nighttime and Ursula had made a fire and put out a blanket with two plates of fish and fruits and vegetables and two things of coconut milk. Ursula sat there, waiting for her husband, feeling anxious as every to tell him the news. George's jungle yell echoed through the trees and he swung in front of the treehouse. George sat down beside Ursula and gave her a kiss. "So what was the bongo gram?" Ursula asked.
George replied, "Well there was a fight going on between some of the animals, one monkey got stuck and then George helped a gazelle who was having a baby." Ursula smiled and started laughing so hard that tears started pouring down her eyes.
"What's funny Ursula?"
"Speaking of babies, we are going to have one. I'm pregnant."
George gasped. He touched Ursula's cheek. He smiled and gave her the biggest hug. "George is so happy and loves you so much. Are you okay? Do you need anything?"
Ursula replied, "I'm fine, George, I feel great. I get morning sickness but that's normal for pregnancy."
George asked, "So Ursula is going to be a mom and George is going to be a dad? Ursula nodded eagerly.
They kissed. George kissed Ursula's belly. Ursula said, "You can talk to him or her."
George smiled, "Hi baby. This is your dad. You have a great mother. Dad hopes you like it here. Your mother and father can not wait to meet you. Dad just wanted to let you know that he loves baby and his mother." He looked back up at Ursula and kissed her. They started dancing around the fire.

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