Plane ride

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"Actually we have some important issues to discuss with you. I'll explain everything once we get over there," Ursula said.
"Does it have to do with leaving George?" Her mother asked.
"No! Absolutely not! We will be returning to the jungle. Even if we didn't he would still be with me."
"Worth a shot," her mother replied.
Ursula rolled her eyes.
"We will see you when you get here. Your father will be excited. We will have the private jet be there as soon as possible."
Sometime later the private jet landed nearby the village.
George and Ursula got on the plane. Her mother had extra clothes and necessities in the plane they needed. George and Ursula changed out of their usual clothes. Ursula helped George put on his tie. "You look handsome," Ursula said. He smiled. For the rest of the plane ride, they sat there holding hands.

"Where's my baby?" The woman asked.
"Calm down Mary, I'm sure we will find him. He couldn't have gone too far."
"No, I will not calm down. What if we don't find him Jack?" The woman asked. She started sobbing into her husband's chest. High above, the baby was in a tree, but the passengers were already gone searching elsewhere and didn't notice him. An ape was in the tree with the baby. "What are you doing up here?" The ape asked. Ape noticed the name George was written on his clothing. "Your name is George." The baby just laughed. "Oh you don't speak English, I see well I'm going to have to teach you that," the ape said. Ape came passed the broken plane and started making a treehouse using the stuff from the plane and what was available around the jungle. "I'll take care of you George," Ape said.


During the plane ride, George said," I'm nervous." Ursula gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "It's okay to be nervous," she said. George turned to look at Ursula and asked, "What if they don't like me?" Ursula looked into the eyes of her husband, "They are going to love you." George gave a sigh and said, "Your parents don't." Ursula replied, "My dad likes you...Mother I know can be difficult." George nodded.

Hours later, they were awakened by the pilot Samuel. "Miss Ursula, we have arrived in San Francisco." George and Ursula got up and scooped George Junior in her arms. He was out of his usual jungle clothes and into some little shorts and at-shirt with animals on the front. When they got out of the plane, a limo was waiting for them. Ursula greeted Hanson. "Oh look how big George Junior ha gotten!" Hanson exclaimed. "How old is he?" Ursula replied, "One." Hanson smiled and opened the door for them. They hopped in and Hanson drove to the Stanhope mansion.

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