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felix grabbed the brownies out of the oven, chris helping him assort them on the plate, while jisung set up everything in the living room. he brought a few beanbags and chairs since there was only a three-seater couch in the living room. the doorbell rang, startling felix and causing him to burn his hand on the side of the stove. "i'll get it" jisung called from the living room. "are you ok?" chan motioned to felix's finger. "yeah. we have a first aid box upstairs. i'll go get a plaster." the elders' brows furrowed in confusion. "that burn needs a lot more than a bandaid. come on," he dragged felix up the stairs. "where's the first aid kit?" he asked once they reached the top of the stairs. "in the closet by the bathroom" he pointed to the direction. chan grabbed the box off of the top shelf, not even sure if felix would have been able to reach it himself (i know they're the exact same height irl just pretend i guess). "here," he opened the tube of ointment, applying it to the back of felix's hand, as gently as possible making sure he didn't hurt the smaller. he finished it off with a little gause and a bandage before closing up the kit. "it might seem like a lot, but it'll heal quickly this way. you can take it off in the morning or whenever you shower." felix nodded, feeling protected. "you haven't changed much." he smiled. "what?" chan asked, curiosity laced in his voice. "in middle school, you felt like a big brother to me. you would always protect me." the older ruffled felix's hair. "well of course. that's what fiends are for." the doorbell rang once again. "should we head down?" felix shrugged, already on his way to the door. not seeing jisung on the way down, he opened the door, ready to welcome someone in, but no one was there. "huh that's weird" felix looked around, not seeing jisung but seeing his phone. "maybe he had a visitor?" felix shook off the thought, going back to the kitchen. "nope!" chan interrupted. "you worry about greeting your friends. no more hot surfaces for you. i'll take care of the brownies." felix pouted, but nevertheless, he headed to the main hallway where the door resides.


i heard some commotion in the kitchen so i decided i should get the door. "i'll get it" i announced. i walked up to the door, opening it with a smile. i was about to greet our guest when i felt lips on mine. "minho?" i pulled away to get a look at his face. "who else would i be?" he gave me a sly smile. i rolled my eyes. "was that my birthday present? i asked. he shook his head. "i have that saved for later. i can give you another right now." he smirked. i shyly nodded before being pulled into the bathroom across the hall. he attached our lips once again, slowly moving down to my neck. "minho , i'm sensitive. we can't." i whined, trying to suppress any unholy noises threatening to slip out. "why can't we?" he asked, placing feathery, slightly wet kisses all over, sending shivers down my spine. "this-" i groaned. "you really are sensitive, huh? i'm barely doing anything." i hid my face in his shirt, embarrassed. "sorry." minho stiffened a bit. "why are you sorry?" his tone sounded a lot less teasing and more weary. "i don't know. it's embarrassing. i'm a weirdo." i bit my lip, looking down. "jisung, look at me." the older sighed. the birthday boy complied, looking at minho. "there's nothing wrong with being sensitive. i find it cute how easily i can tease you." he gave me a little boop on the nose with his finger, making me giggle. "did you like your extra present?" he asked through a smirk. i nodded "mhm."

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