Chapter 14

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As soon as Feyre and Nova got down to the living room, the argument between the Illyrians stopped, and everyone began migrating to the dining room.

Nesta and Elain had not come back for dinner, and Nova started to get concerned when she noticed Azriel had not been downstairs with everyone else.

Everyone got seated around the large table, one place setting left for Azriel, who arrived almost immediately after.

He walked in and was relieved seeing Nova at the table, Rhys had sent him Autumn after they visited Spring, to find out why Beron didn't attend.

Everyone looked at him as he stalked over to his seat, only a few whispers of shadows around.

"You're back early," Rhys said as Azriel sat down.

Azriel stayed silent, not wanting to mention that he had come home empty-handed, mostly due to the fact he had been distracted worrying about Nova the whole day.

He had debated on using their bond to communicate but trusted Cassian enough to let him help her while he was away.

Rhys snapped and food appeared down the center of the table. Azriel looked around and observed the others before taking any food.

Nova seemed more reserved than normal, curiosity practically radiating off Mor and Feyre. Some lingering anger from Rhys, unusual quietness from Cassian. And Amren, clearly unaware of any event that had occurred.

Azriel kept his voice low, but had to ask, "What happened?"

Feyre, Mor, and Cassian all looked at Nova, who glanced towards Rhys.

Nova sighed, the dark presence entering her mind, Rhys' voice coming quickly after.

You don't have to.

She looked at Rhys, keeping her voice as soft as possible, "Yes, I do."

Interested faces lined the table as Nova looked towards Azriel, and she started, "I was pregnant." She kept her face blank as she continued, "It was 2 years ago, I had a miscarriage at about three months."

She kept eye contact with Azriel when his voice came down their bond, I'm sorry.

Don't be. It wasn't something any of us could have changed.

Nova removed her eyes from Azriel's, looking around at everyone else that was silent.

They may not have said anything, but she could see the sympathy in everyone's eyes, "It was a long time ago, there's no changing the past now."

Surprising everyone, Amren spoke up first, "The life in front of you is far more important than the life that is behind you."

"Turn your pain into power," Mor said, her lips curving into a gentle smile, "your enemies will hate it."

After a minute of silence, everyone started eating and the topic changed to Azriel's trip. 

Aware that Rhys wouldn't like his next words, Azriel kept his voice down, "My connections in Autumn did not get word about the meeting, and I wasn't in the mood to fight today."

"You didn't find out what was important enough for Beron to do today that he declined the meeting request?" Rhys asked, confused that Azriel did not have more information, he is not one to come home knowing nothing.

Azriel looked Rhys dead in the eye as he replied, "No."

The harsh tone in Azriel's voice shut everyone up, they were shocked because he doesn't usually let his temper get the best of him, especially not in front of everyone.

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