Chapter 9

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They all agreed to go to the bar, arriving at a one that was pretty empty and quiet, they didn't want too much trouble after the meeting they had prior. They decided on a large round table, in the corner, where they could have the view of the entire one-room bar, and also not be bothered.

"No more about the meeting, that's for me to worry about tomorrow," Rhys said, noticing that no one wanted to speak up first, receiving nods from around the table.

Nova had drank since coming to Velaris but had been careful to never drink too much. She knew that wouldn't be changing tonight, as she was always careful around Rhys' posse. It wasn't that she didn't trust them, but she witnessed firsthand everything people were capable of, especially the people that you'd never expect. She wanted to trust them and everyone knew that she wanted to, but they also knew the extent to what she was put through and understood it would be a long process to get her to feel comfortable around people again.

A band began to play on the little stage across the bar and everyone looked over and noticed the small dance floor in front of it. Slowly, people started to filter onto the dance floor.
"I'm gonna go dance," Cassian said standing and leaving the table.

He was followed by Mor and Feyre. Rhys, Azriel, and Nova stayed at the table. 

There was a long moment of silence before Rhys said to the others, "It's been a long day."

Nova chuckled in return and Azriel replied, "Tell me about it."

Nova just stared at the corner of the room, thinking.

Rhys noticed it and said, "Something on your mind?"

His words caught her attention and she abruptly looked up to meet his eyes.

She didn't know how to respond, her mind was filled with tons of questions and she had no idea when they would be answered.

Without thinking, Nova went with the first thing that popped into her mind, "Don't you wanna just find out for yourself?"

She immediately regretted it and looked away from Rhys' eyes.

"I try not to look inside my family members' minds," He replied, seeing how she felt written all over her face.

Those words were enough to make her look back up.

"Family?" Nova replied, not removing the surprised expression on her face.

Rhys replied, unphased, "Of course, everyone that's chosen to be in my inner circle is my family."

After a moment of silence and thinking, Nova dismissed her surprise, asking, "Why so quick?"

Rhys was surprised at the question, but also knew why she would be asking. "That's a loaded question," he said, unsure how much to tell her now.

"I'm assuming you don't just let all strangers from other courts into your inner circle," Nova continued before he could say anything, "And I've only been here for a few weeks."

"Technically, you weren't a stranger. I've known you practically since you were born," Rhys responded, attempting to stall.

"And you're letting me stay at your townhouse. And you gave me a job offer. And this." Nova lifted her left wrist at the last words. "Thank you, for everything," she paused, "But why so fast?"

Rhys looked over to Azriel, who just listened to their conversation, and he nodded his head in silent agreement for whatever Rhys was about to say. Rhys made eye contact with Nova.

"There's a high lord meeting in 2 weeks." Rhys paused to let Nova process, "And you're coming."

He worded his sentences carefully. He knew she had to be there. She knew it too.

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