Chapter 6

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During the first few days of training, they just went over the basics, which Nova had known from her work years ago. They were more focused on building her muscles back up, rather than teaching her what she already knew. She felt more comfortable around Azriel, he respected her silence and seemed to understand her more.

Cassian didn't pry, he was just more awkward when she unintentionally ended their conversations. Nova realized she was good at that, giving answers that were direct enough to stop a conversation.

Rhys came for the first few days of training, to make sure she could handle it. He didn't doubt that she would, but he wanted to monitor her progress anyways, so he needed to see where she started.

Nova surprised everyone in the beginning, even herself. She was stronger than anyone anticipated, but it was understandable, as she carried around steel chains for all those years. She gained muscle quickly, her small body getting fuller every day.

It was difficult for Nova to be training every day. She became emotionally and physically exhausted because of it. Everyone noticed, but none knew what to do, she wouldn't open up and they didn't want to pry. When she realized the effects of everything, she slowly began to open up to people. Since she was with Cassian and Azriel every day, she started with them, not shooting down their questions immediately. It took a while for her to get comfortable around them, but she finally did.

She started to talk more around Azriel, feeling more of a connection between them and their similarities. He just listened, adding comments only when they were needed.

"I must have been crazy to think someone would have actually tried to find me," Nova said, breaking the silence during training with Azriel.

"No, Alex was smart. He curated his story so that there would be no questions and after a little time, people would move on to something else." Azriel replied, seeing Nova's guilt in her eyes.

"A lot of people in the Winter Court never trusted me, they believed what Alex said about me." Nova paused before continuing, "Kallias trusted me. I think he still believed some of what Alex said, but I could get him whatever information he wanted, so he had to trust me."

Silence fell, the only sounds being Nova's fists hitting the sparring pad.

Cassian had gone inside, to refill their pitcher of water. When he got into the kitchen, Mor and Rhys were arguing over the best way to persuade Nova to open up. Feyre just leaned on the fridge, monitoring the argument.

"She snapped at me the other day," Cassian said, all the heads turning to him. "I was surprised, she has more of an attitude when she's angry."

"Did she open up to you?" Mor asked.

"No, but she wasn't trying to hide her pain that time, so that's progress." Cassian responded, "You should ask Az, she seems to talk to him more."

"I mean it makes sense, their personalities are the same, she probably is the most comfortable around him," Mor said to the group.

"Twenty gold marks says they'll fuck." Cassian said, everyone turning to him.

"Thirty and they'll date," Mor replied.

Everyone turned to Rhys. "I am not taking part in this," he said.

Cassian raised his eyebrows before Rhys said, "Forty, and it'll happen in a month."

Everyone looked at Feyre. She said, "Nope," before walking out of the room.

Cassian refilled the pitcher before going back upstairs.

When he got back to the ring, the duo was silent, Nova working on her punches. Cassian had to admit, she was getting really good, fast. He figured it wouldn't take long, Azriel told him she had been a strong fighter before everything happened, but everyone was still shocked by her progress.

Nova was focused, Azriel admiring her features and analyzing the slight change since her first day of training. Her cheeks got a bit fuller and her jawline softer, a result of actually eating enough.

Cassian saw the way Az looked at Nova and silently cursed at Rhys.

"Want a break?" Cassian shouted to the others, Nova mid-punch. They both turned around and started walking towards Cassian.

"You are doing really good," Azriel said, taking a cup and pouring himself some water before handing the pitcher to Nova.

"I'm impressed," Cassian said, shocking both Azriel and Nova with the words. He saw the looks on both their faces before adding, "What?, You learn really fast."

"Technically I already knew everything, I just had to retrain my muscles." Nova quietly added, "You don't think there was a reason that I was Kallias' top spy?" She smirked.

Cassian was surprised and said, "Wow. I really like this side of you."

"Let's hope I stay here long enough for you to see more of it," Nova replied, sighing.

"You will." Azriel said, "If anyone from Winter Court lays a hand on you, I will cut that hand off, without a second thought."

"And I will be the one to kick their asses, right out of the court," Cassian added.

Nova smirked and turned around, walking back to the ring. "I appreciate the effort boys, but I'm training so that I can do all of that myself." She said, not having to turn around to know their faces had surprise written all over them.

It had been forever since she allowed herself to show her whole personality to anyone, finally comfortable enough with the Illyrians to let it come out.

No one had heard or realized Rhys and Feyre had come up and overheard the conversation between the trio.

"It has been a while since anyone has put these two in their place," Rhys said, everyone whipping around to face him and Feyre.

Nova didn't let her confidence fade from her face as she said, "Such low expectations, what can I say?"

Everyone chuckled.

Rhys said to Nova, "I have some people coming to dinner, I will have you go into town with Feyre and Mor once you are done here, to get some clothes for the occasion."

"A few more rounds and I'll get cleaned up," Nova said, everyone nodding.

"I'll be waiting in the kitchen, don't rush," Feyre said before Rhys put his arm over her shoulder and they turned to go back inside.

Azriel walked back into the ring, just as Nova finished re-wrapping her hands.

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