Chapter 5

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Over the next week, Nova slowly got back her strength and even started gaining back some of the weight she had lost. She met the rest of the inner circle and began exploring the townhouse. She also started going to dinners with the inner circle, where she didn't talk unless it was necessary. Rhys was the only person she actually talked to, and he started to get concerned when the week had gone by and she still hadn't opened up much. Azriel assured him that was how she had always been, and under her situation, it would be difficult for her to trust anyone again.

Nova understood she was safe, literally staying in the same house as the most powerful High Lord, but she still slept with a dagger under her pillow. Cassian had given her that dagger after dinner one night, which she took without question. She had only thanked him, trying to remove her internal pain from showing in her eyes. She knew he'd seen it.

She treasured the times at night when it felt like she was the only person alive. When she could lay in silence and gaze out her window, overlooking the quiet street and dark shapes illuminated by moonlight. She had dreaded them when she was trapped in her cell, those were the times she wished and prayed for death the most. But now, with people who actually care about her, and an intention to live, she longed for those times of peace.

Even though she felt safer than ever, Nova still wanted to be as cautious as possible, she had no idea what people were capable of.

Mor had opened up about her story, with hopes that it would give a chance for Nova to talk about her own, but as expected, she stayed quiet. Nova hadn't yet broken down in front of anyone, but everyone could figure out what happened when she was alone.

Nova tried to help out around the house, but there was not much for her to do. She enjoyed walking through Elain's garden and allowing her to talk about all the different types of plants. Nova wasn't fond of the amount of talking, but she listened or tried to listen, even if it meant she zoned out while Elain rambled. She often spent her mornings outside.

"How come the quiet ones always show interest in boring things?" Cassian asked the 2 other Illyrians in the room, watching the duo in the garden from the window.

"She knows it's what Elain enjoys, and she knows that Feyre's happy when Elain's happy, and it's one of the only things she can do to get out of the house." Rhys continued, "You really should be thanking her, I'm sure Elain would have been dragging someone else around if Nova wasn't here."

Azriel walked to stand next to Cassian by the window and said quietly, "It gives her time to think, but to have something to focus on as well."

Silence fell as the trio stared out the window.

"She doesn't go anywhere without it, does she?" Cassian asked, noticing the outline of the end of the gifted dagger in the waistband of Nova's leggings.

Rhys shook his head, saying, "I think it's time to ask her."

"About training?" Azriel asked, turning to face Rhys.

"She's been gaining her weight back and her legs have gotten stronger. It also could help to have her get comfortable around us." Cassian said, gesturing to Azriel.

"I will talk to her later, and see if it's something she wants to do," Rhys said, moving his gaze back out the window.

Cassian and Azriel nodded.

A few hours later, Nova went upstairs to get cleaned up for dinner when Rhys appeared in her doorway.

He saw her standing by her window, just watching.

"I have something to ask you," Rhys said, Nova, turning around.

"Go for it." She said, meeting his gaze.

"I want you to train with Cassian and Azriel," Rhys mentioned.

"That doesn't sound like a question." Nova countered, lips curling into a smile.

"Right." Rhys continued, "Would you be willing to train with Cassian and Azriel?"

"Sure," Nova said with an emotionless face, "When do we start?"

"Tomorrow morning, I'll have Cassian let you know the time after dinner." Rhys finished, surprised she agreed so quick and didn't ask more questions.

Nova nodded, and Rhys left to get ready for dinner.

She decided to take an extra-long bath, to let her muscles relax before the training she'd do tomorrow. She started to get worried and didn't know how high to set her expectations. A little over a week prior, she could barely walk a few steps by herself.

She finished getting ready and had dinner with everyone.

She walked outside afterward, hoping Cassian saw and would come out to talk to her. He did, following her out shortly after.

"Rhys told me you're ready," Cassian said, Nova, turning around to face him.

"Do you agree?" Nova asked, her face unreadable.

"I agree with whatever you feel is best for yourself," Cassian responded.

Nova unintentionally raised her voice, "Why does everyone keep saying that? I went from being forced to do everything to everyone catering to me."

She immediately shut up and softened her face after that sentence, realizing it's the most she's said to anyone besides Rhys.

Cassian went silent, shocked that she had even raised her voice. It showed on his face, and Nova lowered her voice saying, "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"No, you have every right to say that," Cassian replied, seeing the guilt in her eyes.

He walked over and put his hand on her shoulder, her eyes watered, she instantly prayed for those tears to stay in her eyes. She quickly looked away from Cassian's stare, not letting any of the tears fall. He said, at almost a whisper, "It's okay to hurt, I cannot even imagine what you went through."

As she looked back up, a few tears escaped her eyes but she stayed silent.

Cassian hugged her, but she pulled away quickly. She wiped off her face and said as quietly as possible, "What time tomorrow?"

"8:00," Cassian replied, and Nova walked past him, back into the townhouse.

She quietly walked upstairs with her head down, afraid she would immediately start crying if anyone else was to talk to her.

Back in her room, she got ready for bed as fast as possible and got under the covers. She started sobbing, cursing herself for breaking in front of Cassian, and slowly drifted to sleep.

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