Chapter 21

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Azriel had not lied, after their impromptu training session, he'd arrived home and barely slept for the rest of the night. His mind was nonstop, going through all the topics Rhys had mentioned for him to find out about on his trip.

He found it was the easiest to think in the darkness of his bedroom, during the darkest hours of the night, when the town was the quietest, and he can feel as if he could be the only person to exist, the only person left in the world.

Comfortable darkness, in which his shadows feel at home, the darkness that holds the most secrets and sees the parts of people they'd never let anyone see.

The only thing he could do was lay there and let his mind race. By the time he needed to start preparing, Azriel had made multiple plans for different worst-case scenarios of the mission, from escape plans to cover-up strategies.

He eventually got out of bed and started getting ready, the excess time before meeting Rhys at the townhouse was spent sharpening knives.

He made sure he had more than enough from his stash at home and that they were concealed well enough, an Illyrian warrior covered in visible weaponry striding about the palace would probably not be the best decision.

Once he had gone over everything he was supposed to have with him, checking twice over just to be safe, he stepped into his shadows and stepped out into the living room of the townhouse.

Just as he arrived, Rhys came striding down the stairs, impeccable timing.

"Morning, shadowsinger," Rhys said as he reached the bottom of the steps.

Azriel nodded his head at the high lord, a silent salute.

"What'd you do last night?" Rhys asked, noting Azriel's quiet gesture.

"Nothing out of the ordinary," a quiet reply, a half-lie, wondering if Rhys would catch it, "why do you ask?"

"You seem more tired than usual," Rhys headed into the kitchen, Azriel following behind.

Azriel sighed, a pot of tea appearing on the counter, "I will rest when my job is done."

Rhys grabbed a mug from a cupboard, turning and holding it out, an offering to the other winged male. Azriel shook his head, figuring he would be leaving soon enough. Rhys closed the cupboard and went over to the teapot, picking it up and pouring his cup.

"Alright then," he paused to place the pot back down, "I don't think you need a pep talk, but I can conjure one up if you'd like."

"No thanks, I'd rather just get today over with," Azriel said, slowly pacing the other side of the room to give himself something to do.

Rhys took a sip from his cup, just watching, not used to seeing Azriel this apprehensive. He was inclined to confirm everything they had talked about, all that he was sending Azriel to find, but knowing the circumstances, there was no hesitation he would find as much information as absolutely possible.

"Don't use the bond when you're there," Rhys sipped again, receiving Azriel's speculatory glare.

"I'll be shielded one hundred percent of my time there anyway," He replied, not yet wanting to surrender the ability to check on Nova through their bond.

"You'll likely be around people she has relations to and worked with for hundreds of years. Magic or not, it's best to do what you can to keep her safe right now, and that means not using your bond when you're out of Velaris," Rhys knew this topic would require him to act as Azriel's high lord rather than his brother.

Azriel thought for a moment, continuing his casual pace, still not pleased with Rhys' initial statement.

Rhys continued when Azriel did not interject, "Even with a shield, it's not entirely guaranteed to prevent someone else from sensing something so profound, and I would rather not put both of you in danger if it's avoidable."

It was an impossible position for Azriel to argue, he knew that Rhys was right.

It's alright, it would be inconsiderate of me to interfere with your work, Nova's voice came into his head without warning.

Over the past few days, they've started to do that to each other, when one of them is present at the bond, the other just thinking, not realizing the thoughts are being heard on the other side.

Azriel stopped pacing, positioning himself to look directly at Rhys, "Anything happens while I'm gone, you find a fucking way to get me to her."

Anything happens, and I'll break Rhys' damn rule myself, Nova defiantly reassured him.

"Without a doubt," Rhys held his ground, "you expected any less?"

His question was followed with a glare from Azriel, and Rhys felt the need to justify himself, "I get it. But I can assure you that this is the safest possible place for her to be right now."

Still not entirely satisfied, he started pacing once again.

"I can have Cassian escort her around town all day, but she would likely kick your ass for that one. You know that she can protect herself well enough and I would be the first to know of any unwanted visitors arriving here, so you need to stop worrying and focus on your job," Rhys paused, "the quicker you get it done, the sooner you'll be back to her."

There was silence for a few moments, Azriel's quiet footsteps slowing to a stop, as Rhys just watched.

"I guess that's my queue," Azriel said, preparing for his departure, "any last words?"

"Don't do anything stupid," Rhys felt it was a proper send-off, given the conditions.

Be safe today, my dear, Azriel sent down their bond, wanting to hear her voice until the last possible moment.

That's what I should be telling you, Nova paused, See you later, shadowsinger.

Not a goodbye, not filled with distress or longing, just a simple promise that he'll be back. So, Azriel left it at that, sent a nod of solidarity to Rhys, and disappeared from the townhouse.

Rhys stood, sipping from his cup, for a few moments he just stared at the empty spot that Azriel left.

Soon after he left, the sun rose, Velaris vibrant with golden tones of the morning, Nova up on the rooftop to witness the beautiful sight. It was rare for her to be up early enough to see it, at least it was something to get her mind off its worries, mainly the constant thoughts of Azriel being away.

Eventually, the day began in Velaris, with life and movement, an early morning rush of people either heading to work or just out and about, starting their days.

She realized this was just a normal day for most of these people, another day of work, returning home to their families for the evening, and repeating the following days.

It was one of the many things Nova loved about Velaris, people always seemed to be in their own worlds, no one judged her for where she was from, people there came from all over Pyrithian.

He'd only been gone for a little while and she already had to catch herself from using their bond once, deciding it would be a long day if she didn't find a way to distract herself.

After a little while of sitting on the roof, enjoying the morning, she winnowed back into her room and took into account Azriel's words to her, grabbing an extra knife, concealing it in her left boot. She figured if there was any way to stay protected while he was gone, it was to carry around additional weapons.

She'd gotten used to carrying knives around again, constantly having at least one on her at all times, even if she knew that she wouldn't need it. She had been wrong about assuming her own safety before.

Nova left her room, heading downstairs to see if anyone was home. Finding no one in the living room or kitchen, she ate breakfast by herself, debating on where to go after, usually she let Rhys tell her the daily itinerary, but with him nowhere to be found this morning, she took it upon herself to choose.

She figured it would be best to spend her day as she normally would, so once she finished eating, she started the trek to the House of Wind.

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