2. Guests

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"Mom, I'm home!" I yell, gently closing and locking the front door behind me. "Ah, Y/N, hello dear..." she trails off in a sickeningly sweet tone, "I need you to go put on something nice, we have... uh..." she pauses for a moment, looking around the kitchen as if the answers lay in the refrigerator magnets. "Guests," she finally finishes with a smile. I nod slowly and climb upstairs.

Something nice? Do I own anything nice? My question is answered when my gaze lands on a baggy F/C sweater in the back of my closet. "Ya know, I dont think I've ever actually worn this..." I mutter to myself, tossing it onto my bed and grabbing a black pleated skirt to go with it.

I tuck the sweater a little into the hem of the skirt, before looking at my reflection in my broken bathroom mirror. Needs something more... I smirk, stepping back into my room and pulling on a pair of fishnets and long black socks. I walk back to the bathroom, probably as nice as its gonna get, now satisfied and do my makeup.

I know I said we dont have much money. Thing is, WE DID before my dad left. Plus, my mom buys makeup 'only for special occasions' so I guess this gives me an excuse to use it.

I finally finish getting ready and step back into the kitchen where my mother sits across the table from a man with messy black hair. I hide in the doorframe for a moment, listening in to their conversation. "She should be down any minute, she just went up to change into something a little more presentable than her work uniform," she says sweetly, my brows furrow in confusion. Is she talking about me? "Well I certainly can't wait to meet your daughter Mrs. L/N, I'm sure shes absolutely wonderful." The man responds, he sounds familiar...

That's when my mother notices me in the doorframe "Ah, Y/N there you are, come meet Gerard!" She says, a little to enthusiastically. I take a deep breath, preparing myself for whatever my mom had planned. "I thought it was you sugar," he raises his head up and upon further inspection I know why he sounded so familiar. The vampire from the cafe...

He sits with his hands folded on the edge of the table, dressed a bit nicer than earlier. His leather jacket is missing and the black t-shirt underneath is replaced with a nice black button up, a red tie loosely around his neck, his ripped black skinny jeans are replaced by similar unripped jeans.

"Mom... whats-" she cuts me off, looking between the two of us with a look of confusion plastered over her face "you two know eachother?" She asks, the vampire turns back to her, "yes, she was my waitress at the cafe earlier!" He says, rather cheerfully, which doesn't at all match the feeling of dread rising in my chest when our eyes meet.

"Why is-" I'm cut off once more as my mother signals for me to come sit. I cautiously take the only empty seat, between them, of course. Who even owns a table with only three chairs?! Apparently my mother...

"Why is he here?" I ask, facing my mother, who looks down at the table, guilt flashing behind her eyes before fading quickly. She gulps, looking back up to me as the vampire beside me looks to her, waiting for her to explain.

"Your sisters- I... I needed money Y/N, please believe me when I tell you that if I had another way, I would-" I cut her explanation off. "Mom, what did you do?" I ask, fear and confusion filling my voice. "I..." she trails off as my twin sisters wonder down stairs into the kitchen.

"Mommy?" Emily asks drowsily, obviously awoken by our conversation. She clutches Dalilah's hand, who stands close beside her. "What are you girls doing up, let's get you back to bed." My mother quickly stands, ushering them back upstairs, leaving me alone with Gerard.

I take a deep breathe, looking down at my hands, folded on the table. He leans forward a bit, resting his head on the table so he's in my line of sight. "You sure are a pretty thing, aren't ya sugar?" He asks quietly, I stay silent. He hums, almost like a growl from the back of his throat and sits back properly in his seat as my mom steps back into the room.

~A few minutes later~

I now stand in the hallway, alone with my mother as Way stands outside the front door. "You sold me?!" I whisper-yell to avoid once again waking my sleeping baby sisters. "I'm sorry. You know if i had another choice-" i cut her off "if you had another choice?" I scoff, "you have plenty of other choices!"

"I need the money to take care of your sisters Y/N, he's offered to fully support our family, it's a small price to pay for-" I cut her off "THATS what this is about? Seriously! You could just, I dont know, get a job?" I say, sarcastically, "or am I supposed to be the one who finances everything in this family?" I scoff, "Y/N, you know I've-" I cut her off once again, narrowing my eyes and glaring.

"Its alright, i understand-" "oh, wonder-" "my life isn't worth even the small task of finding work to support yourself." I hiss, before anything else can happen, Way walks back in.

"Excuse me, I dont mean to be rude or interrupt your little argument, but I really need to get going so if you could please get a move on, that would be nice." He says in a sickly sweet voice.

I glare at my mother as she tilts her head toward the stairs, signaling for me to gather my things. I roll my eyes and stomp up the stairs, pulling my suitcase from underneath my bed and stuffing it with clothes and other necessities.

Nothing I can do about it apparently, if I leave he could just follow and find me. I'd rather not deal with a pissed off vampire...

I sigh, looking around my room to make sure I have everything, before slowly leaving my room. I quietly close the door, listening to my moms voice at the bottom of the stairs.

"Shes a handful, good luck." She says seriously, "I can handle her," I hear Way respond, an obvious smirk on his face as I peek around the wall to see.

His eyes flick up towards me and he smiles, showing off his fangs. I gulp as we make eye contact, his hazel eyes seem as if they're piercing through my soul. My mother turns to see what hes looking at and shoots me a 'get your ass down here' look, I sigh, grabbing my suitcase and slowly walking down the stairs to stand in front of them, "great! Let's get going!" Way says excitedly, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the door.

"Bye Y/N! I love you!" My mother calls after me, no you dont...


Stay rad and keep on doing what ya do weirdos- <3

Just A Taste Of What You Paid For...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora