~10~ Math Class

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*Time skip*

August 9th, 2021, First Day of Senior Year.

*RING RING* George groaned at the alarm clock that sat screaming on his bedside table. He reached his hand over mindlessly searching for the snooze button. Hitting the button he pulled the fluffy blankets over his face, trying to block the bright morning sun from invading his eyes.

"GEORGE! Wake uppp, it's our first day and I don't want to be late!" Beth game bursting through the door with so much energy that it could have made anyone want to throw them out of a window.

"Go away." George grumbled, flipping onto his stomach and burning his face into his pillow.

"Nope! Today is our first day! I'm going to be a sophomore and you, my good sir, are going to be a Senior. Now wake ur ass up before I go get water" Beth continued to practically screech into my ears and pulling open the blinds fully. George groaned and let out a few curses under his breath. He looked at the time. 6:50am. He cringed at the time then finally withdrew the covers. Beth, with an alarming amount of energy, ran downstairs to make them breakfast.

Usually, she wouldn't do this because of... obvious reasons. However, we are lucky because our father will be out all week. He has a business meeting or something. I doubt it's business he's probably getting wasted in Vegas with a whole lot of women. What women would even want a scumbag like him?

George then made his way to his bathroom, casually bumping into the door frame, hard. He rubbed his shoulder to try and relieve the pain and started getting ready. The basic routine. Wake up, go to the bathroom, take a shower, brush teeth, put little makeup on, get dressed, go downstairs, eat breakfast, go to school. George first jumped into the shower, he took about ten minutes, which is fast for him but it turns out that Beth took all the hot water and he did not want to shower with liquid ice.

7:08am. George quickly put on his makeup, which consisted of a tiny bit of concealer, mascara, small winged eyeliner, and blush. He didn't put much on because, frankly, he was cute without it. George searched through his closet and drawers. He finally picked an outfit: black ripped jeans, a yellow crew neck with a white collar to match. Along with yellow high top converse.

George ran downstairs to the smell of breakfast. Beth had put together frozen waffles, bacon, and eggs that sat on the kitchen island.

"Who would have thought. You can cook." Beth rolled her eyes and pushed the plate towards George.

"Shut up, I'm an amazing cook. I have no idea what you're talking about." Beth remarked as she took a bite out of her semi-burnt waffle.

"Sure..." George laughed and took a bite out of the eggs. They were surprisingly not bad, along with the bacon and waffles.

"Come on, let's get going. Don't wanna be late." George sat up from his seat at the island and put his plate into the sink. Beth nodded and followed suit.


"George!" Karl screamed out across the courtyard. George whipped his head around and smiled and waved once he saw Karl.

"Go find your friends, meet here after school. Okay?" Beth nodded and ran off toward a group of people. George recognized some of them; Avery, Sebastian, Emma, Levi, Lily, and another girl who he doesn't seem to recognize. She had mid-length dirty blonde hair, green? eyes and freckles. Must be new. George thought to himself before rushing over to Karl who sat with Alex, Bad, and Zak.

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