~37~ Embroidered Roses

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Hola! It's like 4am rn lmao, enjoy. It's long lmao but what did u expect from me?



(The next day)

George had slept over that day. He did wake up after his nap and spent the rest of the day hanging out with Clay since his sister went to Tommy's. Today, though, was the day that their friend group was going to the pier.

"Come on Clay, we're gonna be late!" George yelled up the stairs. A few shuffles, a loud thud, then footsteps soon followed after from upstairs. George rolled his eyes, figuring that Clay had slipped and fell while trying to put his socks on in such a hurry.

George walked over to the kitchen and grabbed three water bottles out of the fridge, along with three oranges for the two to eat on the drive there given that they woke up late and didn't have breakfast, plus it was a bit later than 1 pm which isn't a good amount of time to go without some sort of food in your system.

The shorter boy grabbed his wallet and phone off the kitchen counter and walked over to Lillian's office and knocked. There was a faint 'Come in' from the other side. George opened the door and peeked his head in. Clay's mother was sitting at her desk in front of two computer monitors. Her hair was pulled up into a lazy bun and she was wearing bunny pajama bottoms with a pink tank top accompanied by a cream colored knit sweater. She had black and blue reading glasses set on her nose.

"Here," George set an orange and a water bottle on the desk along with a paper towel.

"I know you get immersed in your work sometimes and since we're leaving I just wanted to make sure you ate something today." George said with a smile. Lillian smiled back.

"Thank you, you're too kind." Lillian said, uncapping her water bottle and taking a sip. Just as George was going to leave, the woman asked him a question,

"Where are you guys going, if you don't mind me asking" George turned around.

"We're meeting some friends down at the pier," George said. Lillian nodded before looking back at her computer screens, she let a sigh escape her lips.

"Have fun you two, don't get into too much trouble" Lillian said with a smirk. George's cheeks started to warm before he let out a nervous laugh and left the office, quietly shutting the door behind him.

George walked over to the front door before putting on the Docs he wore the previous day. Since George spent a lot of time at Clay's house, he had left some clothes there just in case they had unscheduled sleepovers.

George made sure the outfits he would leave were cute as well and would match most of his shoes just in case (talk about organized gah damn). Today's fit consisted of black baggy ripped jeans paired with a light pink crop top with a butterfly on the middle. He also wore one of Clay's black fleece jackets so he wouldn't be cold.

George waited patiently for the other boy to hurry up and get downstairs. He pulled out his phone to check the time, it was 1:37pm and it took around 20 minutes to drive to the pier. Their friends had decided to go at 2pm since 1pm was simply too early.

A few minutes passed where George just scrolled through social media and he texted Beth. She was going to hang out with the baseball team down at the mall for the day then get dropped off at home afterward so George didn't have to worry about picking her up at any time soon. He also didn't have to worry about her since Dad wasn't coming home till the day before Halloween, which was a Thursday.

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