~22~ Aftermath

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Ayo I borrowed my aunts computer to upload this :] enjoys <3



George sat on the already made bed, his knees pulled up to his chest as he leaned on the headboard. The familiar green gaming chair and desk laid on the other side of the room. The familiar scent of cinnamon filled his burned nose.

He hasn't talked since he got into the car, only simple "yes" or "no" answers. Clay was downstairs, pulling together some sort of lunch. It's been about 2 hours since George sat on the bed he woke up earlier. The time was 2:03pm.

George hasn't done anything but sit in the bed and stare at the closet door. He studied the art that was painted all over it silently. There were a few drawings and pictures; some flowers, some quotes, some just random doodles. He's good at drawing, how did I not notice this before?

His eyes wandered to the floor that was as clean as when he left it, the football gear still laid at the end of the bed. George tried to shut out what happened. He didn't want to think or remember. He didn't want to feel his memories. Every time he closed his eyes he could feel a sting of pool water in them. His breathing would catch whenever he moved, the bruise to his stomach hurt like hell.

His hair was still damp, the smell of chlorine radiating off of the strands. Every time he went to move the pieces out of his face he would wince at the pain on his scalp. His knees were bruised as well, some cuts littered them due to the hard pool deck.

George sighed and inevitably winced in doing so. He studied his knees and traced the scars that were under his shirt with his fingers. Why me? Why Beth? Why us? George hid his head in his arms and let out a soft sob, tears staining his already damp shirt and cheeks. He quickly wiped his tears when he heard footsteps up the stairs. Clay stood in the doorway, a water bottle in one hand and a plate with a sandwich on the other.

The blonde slowly approached him, setting the food and drink on the bedside table. He sat next to George, noticing the flinch when Clay set the glass plate on the table and made a rather loud noise.

"George... are you okay?" Clay asked, he had a worried face and the tone was quiet. George avoided eye contact and looked at the food on the table. He simply shook his head slightly. Beth hadn't told Clay what happened, she didn't know if George wanted him to know or not. The two sat in silence before Clay got up and dug through his drawers, bringing out a sweatshirt and sweatpants.

"If you want to talk to me, you can. I'll listen, if you don't that's completely fine. For the time being I think you should take a shower. I can see you shiver in the wet clothes and you smell like a pool." Clay said softly but cautious. He set the pair of clothes onto the bathroom counter. George nodded, still avoided eye contact. He didn't want to face Clay because he knew that he would burst into tears.

They sat in silence for a moment.

"I can start the bath-" Clay started

"No" George said abruptly, his voice raspy and scratchy.

"Please, no bath" He said, shivering in his clothes. He brought his knees closer to his chest to conserve some of the warmth.

"Okay, what about a shower?" Clay asked. George nodded slightly. The blonde got up from the bed and went into the bathroom, starting the shower.

"It'll be ready in a minute, there are towels on the counter for you as well." Clay said, sitting in his Gaming chair. George got up, wobbling a bit and having to grab onto the nightstand for balance. He slowly walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. The steam started clinging to the mirror and George could feel the moisture on his feet from the tile. He slowly undressed, receiving sharp pains from his stomach as he did so. He looked at himself in the mirror, more like he looked at the scars that covered his body. He winced at the site and pulled back the curtain, stepping into the shower.

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