Chapter Forty: The Inevitable Confrontation

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King Xuanming looked around his throne room.  Knowing his advisers as he did, he was confident that the current silence would not last long.  At present, they were processing the sudden bombshell that he had just dropped on them.

As expected, it was Minister Guo who moved forward first.

"Your Majesty, I beg you to reconsider," he began.  "The nation is still mourning the tragic death of the eldest prince.  It is not proper to name a crown prince at this time."

The king sighed.  He had anticipated this very argument, but that didn't make hearing it any less frustrating.  Perhaps at another time he would have paid more attention to his senior ministers but, after the events of the last few months, and with the knowledge that there was very likely a traitor or several amongst them, he had hardened his resolve.

"Do not try to convince me that Li Jun was beloved by the Han people, Minister Guo.  I know very well what my eldest son was."

Minister Guo gasped, as if the king had said something completely appalling.

Stood to the right of the dais where his father sat, Zhao Weisheng suppressed a wry smile at the pantomime being played out in front of him.  He looked up when his father carried on speaking.

"The situation in Han has been restive for some time.  Prince Li Jun's death has only contributed to this.  However, matters will not be improved by an extended period of mourning.  We need to bring more stability to the kingdom and lift the people's spirits.  We also need to restore confidence in the royal family.  Naming my second son as crown prince will achieve these objectives."

"Also," he continued after a brief pause, "Prince Weisheng is the obvious choice.  It is through his efforts that we now have established trade routes between Han and Jin, and that the relationship between the two kingdoms is more stable than it has ever been."  He looked around the room, defying anyone to contradict him.

Catching the king's eye, Minister Shen stepped forward.

"Your Majesty!  I implore you!  Please confer Prince Weisheng as crown prince."  He bowed deeply, and a majority of the other officials in the throne room stepped into line behind him, echoing his appeal.

A few dissenters looked around but, realising that they were vastly outnumbered, said nothing.  Weisheng cast a calculating eye over the silent officials, noting their identities.

As the pleas died down, Weisheng stepped forward.

"Royal Father," he said, his head bowed.  I am honoured by the trust and confidence you and the court have bestowed upon me.  May I speak freely?"

King Xuanming waved an arm in assent.  He already knew what his son was about to say.

"I will accept this great responsibility and serve the Han people to the utmost of my ability.  I understand that the situation in Han calls for swift action.  However, Minister Guo is correct to point out that my eldest brother's passing is still recent.  May I suggest that, out of respect, we forego any unnecessary pomp or celebration?" 

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