Chapter 21- Escape

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"Up n attem runner!" A deep voice sounds.
I lift my head up. A cold glare set on my features as I remained silent; just sitting in the darker parts of my tiny room.

A handsome figure smirks, leaning against the bars, watching me, as Hunter runs in behind.
After Jazzy's little treatment, she got rid of all my anger and hate. So, it was replaced with the second best thing: annoyance.

Hunter sighs, "Kate, this is Prince Pierce, the soon to be vampire King."
I scoff, looking away, "Ya, whatever."

The handsome, tall male grins, "Cocky..... That's for sure."
I roll my eyes, turning my body around so my back was facing them.
Hunter quickly stammers, "Actually Jazzy just took out her anger and hate."

The dark haired boy with sky blue eyes smirks, "I'll put a spell to cancel that out as long as she is here."
Hunter scoffs, "If you want her to kill you by bringing down the roof, be me guest."
Pierce's voice rings out, "Runner, turn this way."

I keep my back turned.
"Ugh....." I sigh like a hormonal teenager and turn around, my eyes holding those of Pierce.

He raises an eyebrow, before smirking. I gasp as my anger and hate pound into me. My scream echoes in the corridor as the power I received from the hatred returned rapidly.

I super-speed to the bars, slamming my hand against them. They rattled under my impact as I scream, "STOP IT!"
Pierce takes a step back in surprise before coming right up to my face, smirking, "Make me...."

I roar out as more of the taken power pours in, causing my scar to burn with the want of making me transform. I stumble back, grasping my head as it all pours into me. I collapsing against the wall before a new wave hit.
I scream out, slamming my fist into the wall. The whole room stutters and shakes as both Pierce and Hunter take a step back in fear at what my punch can do.

I pant out, feeling a new wave of pain coming, "Make it stop or I make this place come down!"
Pierce smirks, lifting his hands up in surrender. Though the pain was still there it was bearable. "I'll make a deal with you Kate, transform and come with us and I'll make it painless."

I growl, flashing my already transformed teeth, "So that's what this was, a trap!" My voice yells out from anger as I stand up and slam back down into the ground. There was a huge dent on the stone floor of my prison where my body collided; as if I was the hulk.

Pushing my hair back, I glare at the two well-built boys, "Deal." Surprise flashes across Hunter's face as Pierce sneers.
Instantly cold takes over my limbs and in a blink my transformation was finished.

I can't help but smirk as the two gaze on my body full of awe. After the solar eclipse, I grew to a huge size. I was bigger than a full-grown horse, my wingspan stretching to be about 18 feet. My silver eyes were piercing silver with streaks of blue and my scales still glowed. I flash my sharp pearly fangs, "Finish your part...."

Pierce shakes his head, leaving the daze, before grinning, "Told you I'll break her....."
Instantly I feel my emotions return and I turn back human. Crossing my arms I give the boys a confused look, "What?" I ask as they stare at me shell-shocked.

"You're a dragon and can transform with your cloths still on?!?!" Hunter shrieks.
I groan before sticking out my wrists in my cell,"Are you going to take me in, or not?"

Pierce sighs, unlocking my cell and clicking the hand-cuffs onto my wrists, "Off to Daniel's we go."

------------Few minutes later---------
"Enough!" I yell out catching the attention of all the bickering adults and teens here. I look down at my cuffs before rolling my eyes and pushing away my hands from one another. "SNAP!" Sounds the cuffs as I rip them apart as easy as if they were a dry stick.

Mythical Academy (Undergoing EDITING)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang