Chapter 5- Passed

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"SPLASH!" I gasp for breath as water is dunked on top of me. My body sits straight up, though was also being held up by another source.
"Omg Kate! You are okay!" Anna says, quickly lunging for a hug.

I freeze, not used to affection, before putting my hand around her giving her a hug. She grabs my shoulders and smiles, "You passed!"

"W-what?" I stammer.
Anna's smile grows, "You passed the test! You made it to purebloods!"

"What!" I slowly notice the people around me. Anna was in front of me, Jack was hovering a ball of water next to me (He is probably the one who woke me), Léo was leaning against the wall. Will was gone. And Ethan, wait, where's Ethan?

A breath tickles my ear, "Over here runner..."
I gasp as I hear the most annoying creature ever, Ethan. A hand moves down my back and I tense, noticing where I was sitting. Ethan was holding me up in his lap!

"W-w-what?!?" I ask mentally.
"When you fell, from my poison of course, who else was there to catch you?"

"B-b-but I saw you fall!" I shriek inside my head.
Ethan replies, "You saw me fall but never hit the ground."

I release a breath, annoyed, "Of course. And poison?!"

"Want to know how you passed?" grins Anna.
I nod my head, shuffling uncomfortably under Ethan's hand. Though it did feel, right; almost.

"Well you pasted parts 1, 2, and 3 of the purebloods test before the second fight. Part 3 was when Ethan was using his charm and touching you to try to get you to submit. It did the opposite though. But you did surprise everyone with your climbing idea and how you lasted so long with the poison in your system. You also passed part 4 which was stopping the fight before it got out of hand, and part 5 which was not quitting until you knew the fight was over. Then you fell, passing out, and Ethan caught you."

"Ah...." I breathe out, looking at my drenched clothing.
Anna squeals, "And also, we are taking you to live in our quarters!"

"What!" I shout out, jumping out of Ethan's arms.
Ethan replies, "Each pack living on/near school grounds has to take a free-runner for two months. The free-runner is not allowed to not accept. If the free-runner does well, they might get into the pack. However, free-runner can choose not to join once the months are over."

I gulp, "So I am living with you guys for two months?"
Jack now replies, "Yes, following our rules and commands. Ethan gets to choose who you are assigned too, and it most likely won't be a mated couple"

Well there goes my hope of being with Anna.
I nod my head slowly, not liking this idea at all, but going with it, "But why did you choose me? I am a female free-runner."

Léo walks over to be in front of me as Ethan rests his back against the wall, watching me. Léo picks up Anna and gives her a kiss, then smiles at me, "Exactly, you are a free-runner girl. You are the only free-runner female which means you have to be stronger than all the males to survive. And from your report, you are very strong."

"My report?" I ask.
Jack smirks, "Ya babe, your report that tells us a little about your free-runner life. Turns out you were reported to be strong more times than everyone at this school."

"Really?" I ask my jaw dropping. I slowly start to feel the cold creep onto my wet body.

Anna shakes her head slightly, smiling, "I'm going to take her to change. She is already shivering. Come on Kate."

She takes my arm and leads me to Ms. Fangtooth, who congratulates me and teleports us to the locker rooms.

Ethan's p.o.v:

I watch the girls leave, my eye lingering on Kate. Such a weird girl. A slight smile reaches my lips as I remember her under me; she had such fire! Why was she turning me on so badly? I groan. It's only her first day too!

"So, who are you going to assign her to?" Léo asks.
"What?" I ask, being brought back from my fantasies.

Jack snickers as I shoot him a death glare. Léo repeats, "Who are you going to assign her too? Like who is she going to live with for the next two months?"

I sigh, placing my hands behind my head and look out to the fighting arena, "I have no idea really..... Probably not one of the girls. Well, maybe Athena."

Jack snorts, "Athena is too annoying, she'll drive Kate up a wall. That's the last thing we want."
I grin and catch Léo's eyes. He had the same mischievous spark in his eyes.
"Oh come on, you just don't want to say you are crushing on her," I smirk.

"Hell no!" Jack instantly turns a shade of red.
Léo flashes his fangs, "We all know you've got the mate bond with her, you just won't accept it."

"I'm a god! I don't have a mating bond like werewolves or animal transformers!" Jack shouts, annoyed.

Léo snickers as I grin, "We all have mating bonds. It's just harder for vampires, demigods, and fairies to feel them."

"By the way, am I'm sensing a slight bond with you and Kate?" smirks Jack, leaning against the wall, and successfully changing the subject.

"What!" I scream in my head but reply smoothly, "I don't think so....."
Jack laughs, "Ya, because we all know you have a bond with Sheila."
I growl, glaring at Jack.

Léo mumbles under his breath, "Speaking of the devil," as a high pitched voice shrieks, "Ethan! Baby-boo!"
I curse under my breath as the figure of Sheila runs up to us.

"What do you want Sheila?" I ask, annoyed.
"Baby-boo, I want your love, as always!" She whines.

I catch Jack's and Léo's eyes, and nod slightly.

"I'd love to stay and chat, Sheila, but I have to change." I quickly stand up, passing her without another glance.

My friends follow me, quickly getting teleported into the locker room. I sigh, leaning against a locker behind me.

"There is no way in hell I'm doing that!" I grin as I hear Kate's thoughts in my head. I sigh, this will only last 24 hours, but it's still as fun as hell to mess with.

"Why not?" I reply mentally to her.
"GET OUT OF MY HEAD ETHAN!" I hear her scream from the other side of the wall.

I chuckle as I hear Anna asking what's wrong. I send a quick message to Anna at what's happening and hear her laugh.
Now, where am I going to place wild Kate? Hmm........


Hey everyone :P.

Its New Years tomorrow and that is what I celebrate, so...... MULTIPLE CHAPTER UPDATE

Sorry Again, and ENJOY!

(Last Edited Chapter)

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