Chapter 23- Done with Sass

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I hiss in pain as the car stops suddenly. The seatbelt against my broken rib not helping the pain . Yes, I heal very fast, but broken bones usually take a day or two.

I look around the small town from the car window, "Where are we?"

"We are in Forestbreeze, a small town in-between my and Daniel's, or your father's, territory." Ethan responds, putting the car shift onto park.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Why are we here?"

Ethan sighs, "Remember when I told you in a week the parents are coming?"
I mumble, "and in a week is when I decide if I want to stay or not....."
Ethan purses his lips before continuing,"Well it's a mascaraed ball, and you need a dress. The best dress maker in the world lives here, so we are coming here."

Dress maker?!? I need a dress?!? Since when was I attending this dinner?!?
"Anna! Will! Wakey wakey!" I shout, twisting to look at the back seat to change the topic.
Anna and Will instantly bolt up from sleeping on each other, slamming their heads together. I snigger as the two rub their heads in pain as scowls were plastered on their faces.

"What was that for?" Anna asks, half-asleep.
I grin, "we are in...." I pause, scanning my brain for the town we are in.
"Forestbreeze," Ethan answers for me.

Anna's eyes snap open, "Ooooooo!!! Are we going dress buying?!?" She squeals.
Ethan smirks, looking back, "You betcha tiger."
As fast as lightning Anna bolts out of the car door as I just blink a few times trying to figure out what just happened.

Ethan sneers, "It's called being a girl sugar,"
"It's called being a girl sugar," I mouth out sarcastically as I slip out of the car.

It was a small town in the middle of a forest. Little old one story buildings with little restaurants and shops. Almost as if it was for 'insiders only'.

I sigh as I scrim over our lunch place. A little hole-in-the-wall fast food place called Henry's Hamburgers.
Ethan leads the way into the small restaurant. I have to admit, the inside was better than the outside. It was a peaceful little place with diners all enjoying their meals. As soon as our two boys step into the little restaurant, all the girls turn toward their direction.

I feel something stir inside my stomach as each and every female eye-raped Ethan and Will. I scoff, looking away as I cross my arms.

Ethan smirks in a whisper, meant only for my ears, "Jealous, runner?" Three female waitresses come up to our little group, instantly flirting with the two boys.

I cough, "You wish!" My eyes, however, watch the girls closely. How they batter their eye lashes. Secretly unbutton some buttons to show more cleavage or even walk with a more sexual stride. It's disgusting!

The girls latch onto Ethan and Will as we are lead to our table. Ethan and Will sit down on one side of the booth while Anna and me on the other. The girls giggle, trying to seductivly say, "A waiter will see you soon," but with no success.

I see Anna snigger as her eyes notice the girls starting a mini-fight to see who would wait on our table. I raise an eyebrow watching them. Eventually, a skinny, big-breasted blonde came up to us. Her skirt two sizes too small and her blouse stretching across her breasts painfully. The other waitresses stood not to far behind.

"So what would you like today big boys?" The blonde asks, bringing her body forward so her tight blouse was right in-front of Will's and Ethan's eyes.

Time ticks on and the blonde just didn't leave. She eventually opened her blouse slightly to reveal what was there. She leaned over the boys and showed so much it was just....Bleh!

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