Chapter 10- Brother

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Hey guys! Sorry for not being able to post based on the deadline! My device wasn't letting me post >'<..... But anyway, I was able to move my story to my computer and publish this next chapter here. Sorry if the formatting will look really weird. 

Anywho...... Enjoy! ^_^


I sigh, dropping off my backpack onto the floor and collapsing onto the couch. Today's school was okay. Though Magic class sucked as always. I glance up at the clock watching the seconds tick away.

3, 2, 1, and go!

Jack flings the door open, right on my count. He walks in, making it over-exaggerating, as he leads the rest of the boys in with smug smile on his face. Linda, Anna, and Athena had to stay after for the Magic Project (Which I finished last week).

I give a slight smirk as the boys collapse onto the couches around me, "Fun day at Power class?"

Léo groans as Jack rolls his eyes. Ethan walks into the doorway a few seconds later. I watch him as he makes his way over to my couch collapsing onto the middle where my legs lay.

"Hey!" I shout, pulling my legs away. "I was sitting here!"

He smirks, "It's my house runner, I can choose where I sit..."

"Hmph! It doesn't me you have to sit on me!" I huff.

He goes into a mischievous grin. My eyes widen in fear, "No no no! Don't you dare actually sit on me!"

His grin depends as he stands up. I yelp, jumping onto the floor.

He smirks, sitting back down to the couch and stretching out onto it, taking all the room.

I growl, falling onto the carpeted floor to rest. He says smugly, "You can sit on my lap if you want."

"Like I said: I. Don't. LIKE. You." I snarl playfully, before standing up and walking over to the kitchen. Annoying freaking cocky vampire Prince! I begin to cook something up for dinner, allowing my thoughts to wonder.

------Sometime later----

Athena's laugh echoes the kitchen as the rest of the gang piles in, allowing me to be in the conversation.

"O.m.g. I just realized something! I haven't called my sister since school started!" Will pipes up.

Hmm, my own brother hasn't called me since the school year too. I wonder how he is doing. I haven't seen him for five years, ever since the night I was sent away, but I still have his number.

I smile, putting my cake to bake in the oven as I turn up the heat slightly on my spaghetti and tomato sauce.

Will pulls out his phone as the gang take their seats at the granite table. Anna and Léo together as always and Linda in Will's lap. Ethan was watching the pack with a smile next to Jack. Jack was next to Athena, casting glances at her.

Will pulls out his iPhone, beginning to search for his sister's number. The group waits patiently, laughing here and there.

He puts the phone to his ear as it starts ringing.

"RING RING RING! RING RING RING!" My phone goes off. I laugh, "Wow, such a coincidence!"

The group chuckles, going back to waiting for Will's sister to pick up as I place down my mixing spoon and go for my backpack.

Unzipping my backpack, I grab my phone and see my brother's number pop up.

I turn to the waiting gang, "I got to take this." They wave me off with ease as I go into one of the guest bedrooms and pick up the phone.

"Hey bro!" I happily say. 

"Hey sis, how's it hanging?"

I sigh, "Eh, alright. I was taken into this pack at my new school..."

"That's great! Now you don't have to be a free-runner anymore!"

I scoff slightly, "I'm not sure I want to join. Plus, I have to wait two months anyway..."

William, my brother laughs on the other line, "Sounds a lot like a free-runner we got in our pack."

I smile slightly, "so... any news?"

"Actually ya! I forgot to tell you, I got a mate!"

I smile, "Really!? That's awesome! Is she a werewolf?"

William chuckles, "No, actually a fairy. Say hi, honey..."

A distance, quiet voice starts to bicker slightly. She sounded nice enough. I heard Athena laugh from outside my door. However, then I hear someone laugh exactly like her from my phone.

I feel my heart speed increase, "Uh, William, you do go by the nickname of Will right? And go to Mythical Academy, right?"

William chuckles slightly on the other line, "Ya, why?" 

"Just making sure, and, um, last question."


"Do you have a vampire as pack alpha?" 

Dead silence is heard. Even the people in the background were quiet. I strain my ears, noticing no sound is coming from my 'pack'.

William's tone gets deadly, "Yes, why? And how do you know?"

I gulp slightly, "Um, William, do you have a living room?"

I hear him relax slightly, "Ya, why?"

"Can you please go there for a second?"

He chuckles slightly, before talking to his group, "I got to go to the living room, I'll be right back..."

I hear him stand up from his stool and begin walking. I sigh, feeling my breath quicken.

I quietly open the door to the guest room and make my way to the living room.

Will smiles, "Hey Kate, I'm here to my sister's request." He smiles.

"Hey Kate, I'm here to my sister's request," my phone says from William's line.

I instantly pale, "W-William?" My voice breaks.

"Kathy?" Will's mouth drops, "Y-you are K-Kate?"

"And y-you are my little brother, W-William?"

We freeze, holding each other's eyes in surprise, regret, happiness, confusion, and sadness. "Hey guys what's happening?" asks Jack as the rest of the group piles in.

"Hey guys, what's happening?" My phone echoes. The phone slips my hand from shock. It bounces on the floor, it being clearly heard from the silence in the room.

Instantly, the mood becomes darker. All eyes go to me, though I was still staring at Will, feeling my eyes getting watery.

"W-will?" My voice breaks, and I burst into tears.

"Kathy, or Uh, Kate!" He rushes over to me, enveloping me into hug. I cry into his shoulder, "oh, I've missed you so much!"

He smiles slightly, petting my back, "I promised to take care of myself, and I did, just for you."

I let out another sob. I stay like that, taking in my brother's presents for a few moments. I take a deep breath and pull away as Linda comes over, looking confused. 

"W-what's going on honey?"

Will turns to face his mate, smiling, "Linda, remember that sister I told you about?"

She nods her head, blinking as things started to click.

William chuckles slightly, pointing to me, "That's her..."


Next update: 1/22/14

Mythical Academy (Undergoing EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora