Chapter 8- Movie Night

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Ethan's p.o.v

Kate really seems to enjoy movie nights. It's her second week here and she was quickly accustomed. Athena, Anna, Linda and her have quickly become best friends,Which I am happy for.

It's Friday and we are all settled into the living room. I glance around the room as Linda starts to work her magic, putting "Men in Black," onto the dark screen; Athena's choice.

A sleek gorgeous leopard lay comfortably on the floor with a huge black maned lion curled protectively around her. Both Léo and Anna were purring. This was their favorite position during movie night.

Athena was on the middle couch, one leg hanging off the couch while the other bent close to her. Jack was sitting outstretched on the other side, trying to hide his glances to Athena.
Will and Linda were cuddling together on the right hand couch, enjoying each other. Kate was joining me on my couch, the left hand side couch. We were sitting on opposite ends. I smirk at how uncomfortable she looked.

Sheila had stormed to her room, leaving us in peace. I hear Kate sigh, "is this how you guys live all the time?"

I smile slightly, my voice going to a whisper, "Kind of.... It gets more fun during real weekends."
She furrows her eyebrows, her eyes still on the tv, "Real weekends?"

I nod, "when we go out to the forest to play...."
"Shhhh!" Jack snarls as the movie plays.

Kate makes an 'o' shape in understanding. Her attention quickly gets absorbed by the movie and she relaxes. I allow my eyes to linger on her. I watch as her face change; she had her cheering face, her sad face, her happy face, her confused face, her adventurous face, and ect. It was interesting.

I watch the movie in peace, though many times have no idea what's happening; usually my head was whirling about Kate. Ugh, her scent is soooo addicting. I am an alpha, I do have that familiar reminder to get an alpha female; and imprint on her. It's kind of disguising, but first I need to find my mate, which is hard, for I am a vampire. But I'm wondering if Kate might be it.

However, I do enjoy Kate's little shows on her face. I can't read her head anymore, which I want to do sooo badly. It is so fun teasing her with her own thoughts. But for now, I just get to guess.

At one point of the movie she grabs my arm in fear. I inwardly laugh. So strong yet scared of movies.
I smirk, clearing my throat. She looks toward me and instantly blushes when she sees that she was grabbing me. Her small soft hand quickly leaves mine as she keeps turning redder and redder. She brushes her hair forward to hide her scarlet face. Too late sugar.
I chuckle, going back to the movie. Though, I do miss the contact. 

Before long, half the movie was gone. The two large felines were peacefully snoozing, circled next to each other. Linda fell asleep on Will's shoulder and Will looks like he is about to pass out.

Jack had this happy glow on his face. Athena was asleep on his lap, peacefully. He kept gently petting her. A smile was clearly imprinted on his face.

I smirk, catching his attention, then pointing to Athena. He rolls his eyes, trying to hide his embarrassment. He then mischievously smiles and points to my lap.

I instantly tense. Kate was asleep on me! How did I not notice this?!
Hesitantly, I remove my hand from her back. What do I do with this girl? I'm usually smooth with girls. However, with this one, I don't even know what to do with her sleeping on me!

Jack chuckles, allowing his attention to go back to the TV. I carefully put my hand back on Kate. She slightly pushes towards it. Hmm that's weird. I sigh, noticing how all the girls were asleep. Must have been a hard day in magic. (Yes, it's an all girls class... Just don't ask me how I know)

I sigh, before clearing my throat. Will stirs and looks up at me, his eyes pretty much closed. I trace out with my lips, "Bed time!"
He nods groggily, shaking Linda slightly to wake her. She yawns, flicking her hand to turn off the tv and snapping her fingers to teleport her and Will to their room.

I catch Jack's eyes, then look down to the cats. He sighs, before finally taking a pillow and tossing it to the horse sized lion. Léo jolts up, his hair sticking up like a cat. A low growl emits through his throat in surprise. He looks from me and Jack to me again.
"Bed time," I whisper, knowing he would hear me. The lion, or Léo, nods his head, gently nudging Anna awake. Anna yawns, showing her many sharp teeth before rising up to her paws and trotting away with Léo behind her.

I give a nod to Jack and he sighs. His arm snakes to under Athena's knees, and under her back. He heaves her up, grunting at her weight, but eventually carries her limp body away, bridal style.

I sigh, listening to the peaceful breathing of Kate, watching her chest move up and down. Finally, I tear myself away from the show and pick her up with ease; also bridal style.

Super-speeding to my room, to make no noise, I quickly place Kate down on my bed. Wait. No. She goes in the other room.

Eh whatever.
I bite my lip. Unsure whether to undress her or not. No, she'll kill me if I do.
I smile slightly in pleasure, watching her sleeping state. I know, stalkerish, but still.

I tuck her away, gently placing her head on a pillow.

When she finally was settled in my bed, I collapse on the comfy mattress. I sigh, looking up to the dark ceiling. It's almost the weekend. Will Kate be able to keep up during our 'real weekend'? My eyes travel to her sleeping form. She was so tense. She nudges closer to me, wanting my warmth. I feel a slight smile tug my lip.

I look back at the empty ceiling. This girl is changing me.....

My mind fills up with questions and thoughts as slowly darkness takes over me and I leave to go into dream world.


Hey guys! Thanks to @ashley_hayes64 I decided to do a double posting! This chapter is really short also, so another one will be coming. Thanks for all the reads and likes, I really appreciate it! Please enjoy this double posting.

(ever post I do drops this book in fantasy really really low, then you guys reading and voting brings it back up! So thank you so much! ^_^)


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