Chapter 13- Mate

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Ethan's p.o.v

I watch as the girl who just saved me passed out in my arms. Her hair falling over as her breathing steadies and slows. Vampires bites have this horrible pain that comes as the skin is pierced. I am very surprised she was awake during it. Usually it caused the person to pass out. However, after the pain came a state of pure bliss, which finally caused her to faint.

I wasn't going to use my poison on her at all; actually. (It's the poison that causes the pain). I was just going to lick up the blood, knowing it probably wouldn't do anything. But when the first drop touch my tongue, my tastebuds exploded with flavor. My vampire took control and I hungrily ate.

Her blood was so delicious. Nothing like I've ever tasted before. It was sweet and tangy but had this fighting feel to it. My body's reaction to her blood was even more surprising. I went full on vampire!

I groan remembering what I wanted to do with her as her wrist slammed into my mouth. Let's just say it was pictured dirty and fun. I was dying and my last thoughts were about bedding her. I'm an idiot. But then again, why did her blood work? Only a mate's blood can heal a werewolf bite/scratch. My fingers skim over my cheek, noticing the cut was gone.

My eyes glance back over to her sleeping figure. She was so calm and peaceful looking. I gently place her down under a bush. She will have to wait.

I felt the buzzes of my pack mates intensify. Right when I step out of the forest I am met with their startled and worried faces.

"Ethan!" cried out Athena, lunging at me for a hug. I embrace her, knowing I have to show emotions.
"We were so worried about you bro! We all felt that sting of pain....what happened?" asks Jack.

I sigh, "Some new werewolf attacked me. I haven't eaten real food for over two months, so I wasn't very strong..."
"Two months!" starts Anna, "Ethan! That isn't good for you!"

I nod my head, "I know. I know... But it's time to get that werewolf, story later."
Léo scrunched his nose, "But aren't you weak?"

My tongue instantly goes to my teeth, where some of the blood was still there, causing another explosion of taste. "No, I have just eaten...."
Everyone shares a confused glance before I roll my eyes, "I got blood, like from a living creature. Don't worry, she isn't dead."

"Wait, she?" asks Will.
I sigh, "I'll tell you once we start moving, so can we please start?"
The group nods as I take the lead, moving into the school. People quickly parted out of my way. I inwardly grin, I can be that scary when I have to be.

I begin, connecting my whole group through their minds so they can see images too, "Alright so it started with a werewolf gaining up on Kate." My mind flashes that image and it travels to everyone, "then I attacked, getting cut. Kate somehow stopped the crazied werewolf and came to me. She forced me to drink her blood and I tried to control myself...but...but..."

Anna finishes for me, her voice traveling through everyone's head as we got closer to the school's door, "But you couldn't for she tasted too good?"
I nod my head, my hand grasping the cold door handle and swinging it open.

The group froze in shock. Papers were everywhere, the locker I jammed Kate into was bent as if the Hulk had pulled it open. The werewolf was slowly standing up, leaning against a bent locker as if someone was slammed into it extremely hard. The tiles from the walls scattered and cracked.The hallway was just a mess!

What happened?

I feel my my anger rise, remembering what the werewolf did. I storm over, my pack closely behind me.
The werewolf snarls, standing all the way up. "You are back. I thought I scratched you!"
I growl, "You did, but I got my medicine!"

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