Chapter 22- Demontic Fight

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My breath was ragged as I faced the vampire and werewolf in front of me. My fists were bloody from the little fight I just had with another werewolf type creature from Daniel's little pack.

Pierce smirked, easily walking around me, "I see Ethan hasn't marked you yet, what a shame...... Especially if I could do it." He disappears using vampire speed. I flinch slightly, knowing that the game became slightly more dangerous.

I growl at the werewolf still in my vision, "Why do the demons want me so badly?"

Hunter scoffs, "Why would I tell you that, Princess?"

Pierces sickening laugh echoes around the forest, "Tell her wolfy, she'll be dead anyway."

I snarl, still circling Hunter as our eyes look on each other's. Ethan took Anna, Will, and Jazzy to Esmerelda's because, as he said it, 'he could fly and it would be faster'. Instead he left me with these fools and a half demon half werewolf thing which disappeared after I killed it; apparently.

Hunter watches me carefully before lunging. My foot kicks out, hitting him in the side. His perfect balance topples as I grab his arm, flipping him down onto the hard ground.

Pierce's voice comes deadly close to my ear, whispering, "Tell her wolfy."

My arm snaps back, but hitting air.

"Missed me, dragon!" Pierce sneers, his voice being everywhere again.

Hunter wobbles up to his feet, his blood leaking from his nose, "Well start at the basics shall we?"

He lunges toward me, but I easily duck his fist, landing my own one on his face. Stumbling back he continues, "Demons want to control the world. They already do that to humans using horror and horror movies. Humans are foolish creatures that can't see evil when it's right in front of their nose. Politics were a game set up by demons and so was money. But anyway," he roars, grabbing my slender body between his muscular arms before tackling me to the ground.

I scream as I feel my rib crack under the pressure. My legs lift up to my chest and slam into his body. He flies off of me and into a nearby tree. I stumble upward, clutching my broken bone. My eyes shot daggers to Hunter as he also stood back up.

"There are three types of demon. The shadows which are distractions....."

I feel a cold breath on my neck and I whip around, slamming my foot into the invisible body near me. I hear a small grunt of pain before the whoosh of super speed. I whisper with a smirk, "Gotcha, vampire."

I laugh with hate, "Distractions like Pierce!"

Pierce's chuckle sounds around us as Hunter goes back into his fighting position. "There are the possesy, which posses people who may be opened up to evil."

I attack, using my shoulder to hit Hunter in the gut, making him fall to the ground. He groans as his back smashes into the floor. His strong hand grabs my ankle, pulling me down into the ground also.

I hiss as pain explodes through my back and head. Nimbly, I jump onto my feet; however, he was already on his feet. His fist slams into my face causing a new explosion of pain to travel through me. I stagger back seeing black dots in my vision.

I duck as his arms aims for me again. I grasp the arm with two hands, twisting as I bring my body weight down to bring him down. I feel warmth travel through my limbs and I get a wicked smile, "Continue......"

His breath was heavy, and his heart rate fast as he staggers onto his feet one last time. His face clearly bloody and the body not much better, "This third type of demon is your worst nightmare. It can transform into anything, be anything, but usually likes to be in a dark form. They are all ruled by the same thing, we think, but that's enough information out of me."

I hiss feeling my eyes turn blue. My body slams into his with super speed and strength knocking us both into a tree. I clutch Hunter by throat, slowly dragging him up until his feet barely touched the ground, "tell me, NOW!" I scream. This is no longer a game.

Hunter gasps, his eyes bulging and his hands tried to claw at mine. "SPEAK!" I yell.

"Let him go. And it's the demon king," a smooth voice sounds behind me. I hold onto Hunter a few seconds longer before dropping him like the rag he is.

"Get out of my sight!" I hiss as he rubs his sore throat. He pales before scurrying off. I flip around, my fangs showing and my claws extended.

My eyes travel from the form of Ethan, Pierce, and Hunter who were now side-by- side.
Oh my god, it's a freaking strip show here! Help me now.

The three guys in front of me were truly sexy, but I was too angry to notice that they looked like freaking models.

Pierce smirks, not taking his eyes off me, "See you in a week brother...." Pierce disappears as fast as lightning, taking Hunter and leaving Ethan.

I could tell Ethan was having difficultly to find the right words. Too much lust, fear, and worry was in those gorgeous blue eyes.

His eyes roam my body hungrily as I ask, "Brother?"

He shakes his head, shutting his eyes. His voice sounded strangled as he responds weakly, "Pierce is my brother. All the pack's families are coming into the house in one week...."

I raise an eyebrow before placing my hands on my bare hips. I literally had a bra on and booty shorts. The fight stripped me of my clothing. What is up with Daniel's pack and my clothing?

I smirk, noticing how hard Ethan was trying to be mad. His worry and lust, however, got the best of him.

I shuffle over, before standing right next to him. "Ethan....." I whisper waiting for his eyes to open.

His eyes stay snapped shut as he gives a low growl, "What Kate?"

I smirk, "You know I was wondering why you and Pierce looked so sexy, then I realized you guys are from the same mother!"

Ethan's angry eyes snap open, "WHY DO YOU THINK PIERCE IS SE---"

I lunge at him, catching his lips with mine hungrily. His hands intertwine with my hair, pushing me closer to him. I give a slight moan as he teasingly nibbled at my lip. I opened my lips, giving the entrance to Ethan's tongue as it so desperately desired.

"Come on love birds! We got to get going!" screamed the now healthy Anna. Looks like Esmerelda was able to save them.

I smiled as we broke the kiss. I hold Ethan's eyes before sneering, "Jealous?"

Ethan let out a sigh before smiling, "Yes, and you have no idea how badly you scared me when I felt your pain." He eyes watch me intently, "And apparently you still have some."

I finally realize the pain in my ribs. I give a small smile, "I'll be fine, lets go."

Ethan snakes his arm around my hips, helping me walk to the car as my mind took in the information about the reality of demons. They were no longer a fairytale for little kids, they were the war.

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