Chapter 1

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Greg's fingertips held tight onto the others' shirt as he and Yuto made their way towards New Zealand. They were still on Australian land and have yet to see any signs of salty blue from the vast oceans. The cool breeze was hitting the back of Greg's dirty-blonde locks and the nape of his neck, as he contemplated how he could warm up his freezing nose. Yuto noticed the distress coming from Greg. His face was all scrunched up, his ocean eyes kept hostage behind closed eyelids, and his nose turning a light red.

"What's wrong?" Yuto asked.

"C-Cold..." Greg shivered out.

"Wanna take a break? It's getting dark anyway and my wings are starting to get tired."

"Sure." Greg agreed, stuffing his face into the crook of Yuto's neck.

Yuto scanned over the bare land and contemplated where it was safe to land for the night. He spotted a fairly large tree amongst a relatively small forest and decided to head towards there. Once his sneakers padded themselves onto the soft tufts of green, he instantly relaxed his wings and sat Greg down against one of the trees big roots. When the source of heat left, both Greg and Yuto shivered from slight discomfort, so Yuto decided to quickly scan the forest for any stray leaves and sticks for a nice, warm campfire. Greg looked up and could already see stars forming in the mixture of the dark purple and red sky. He found it breath-taking. Greg smiled, happy he was finally away from the crappy apartment and shitty job. He didn't plan on returning any time soon, yet he also couldn't help but miss it as well, just a smidge. Speaking of returning, Greg didn't realise Yuto had left. When Greg tilted his head down from the sky, Yuto was making his way towards him, arms bundled with many sticks and leaves.

"Hi! Hope I didn't take too long." Yuto beamed, and Greg flushed.

"Don't worry, I didn't even realise you left." Greg reassured the other.

"Really? Am I really that stealthy?" Yuto questioned himself, somewhat surprised and impressed.

"Guess you are." Greg chuckled; a grin was plastered on his face.

Yuto was grateful to see Greg smile again. Yuto got the first aid kit out, grabbed the lighter, then made his way towards the sticks.

Flick... Flick... Flick...Sst! The lighter came to life.

Yuto hovered the newly developed light source over a leaf, it bursting into flames, then trailed down towards the many sticks and leaves piled up together. The fire kept a consistent size and created a lovely crackling sound that filled the silent void, as Greg and Yuto immediately relaxed from the new source of warmth. Yuto went over and sat next to Greg, he bent his legs and pulled them against his chest, crossed his arms and laid them on his knees – as if he was morphing into a ball – as a way to warm himself. Greg noticed his actions and untied Yuto's jacket from his waist, he reached up and wrapped the clothing around Yuto. Yuto's face expressed gratitude and fondness as he pulled his arms into the sleeves, snuggling into it. Greg couldn't help but smile again, what was with him tonight?

"Thanks." Yuto thanked, his eyes closing in content.

"No problem." Greg replied, his stomach immediately rumbling from the lack of food, It ruined the mood.

"You sound hungry there, hmm?" Yuto hummed, tilting his head to the side.

"Shut up, no I'm not." Greg huffed back, turning his head away in denial.

As if on que, Greg's stomach once again rumbled, desperately trying to gain his attention to consume food. Yuto snickered from how childish Greg was acting. Yuto got a hold of Greg's shoulder bag and pulled out a vegemite sandwich, giving one half to Greg. Yuto devoured the other, smiling ear to ear with bits of vegemite smudged on his pink lips. Greg held onto the sandwich and silently nibbled at it, savouring every last bit, he didn't know if they'd be able to sit down like this and eat peacefully next time.

"Oi." Greg broke the silence.

"What?" Yuto asked, a puzzled expression ridden on his features.

"You got vegemite on ya face, dumbass."

"Really?" Yuto replied, a confused look on his face as he started to aggressively wipe his lower face with his palms.

"Yes, you're such a messy eater." Greg snickered, watching in amusement as Yuto attempted – and failed – to get the vegemite off.

Overtime Greg felt agitated as Yuto still missed the bits of food on his face.

"Jesus Christ, come here." Greg ordered, as his brows furrowed. He lifted his palms towards Yuto, inviting him into his personal space.

Complying, Yuto scooted his way towards Greg, curiously leaning into his now lifted palms. Greg moved his left palm and caressed Yuto's right cheek, Greg licked his thumb from his other free hand and started to gently slide it over Yuto's lips, easily getting rid of the excess vegemite. Once he was done cleaning the other, he let his hands droop to the sides of his body, wiping the excess vegemite from his thumb onto the grass and scooted back against the huge root of the tree. Yuto sat there for a bit, touching his lips with his fingers.

"Thanks Greg!" Yuto threw a toothy grin towards the other.

Only then the kind gesture Greg just acted upon processed into his mind. He had started to flush.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't know what came over me-"

"Its fine, Greg. Don't be sorry for doing something kind." Yuto reassured.

'That's not the point... but I can't tell you.' Greg spat at himself.

Greg then tailed his attention towards Yuto's arms and legs, noticing the wounds had started to heal and fade away. "How are your wounds doing? Do they still hurt?"

"Not really anymore, I completely forgot I had them."

Greg hummed, glad Yuto was getting better.

Silence fell upon the pair for a minute or two before Greg noticed how dark it had gotten. "What time is it?"

Yuto took out his tablet and checked how much time had passed. "It's half past 7."

"Okay. We should probably go to sleep now, if you want to leave early next morning and not get caught?" Greg recommended, not sure what Yuto wanted to do.


Yuto crawled his way beside Greg, now laying on the large root as well. He rested his head against Greg's shoulder and started to fall into a comfortable slumber. Greg was internally dying. His face instantly blew up, cheeks turning into a deep red, as his eyes widened and darted their way towards Yuto. His whole body stiffened as he held his breath, scared of waking the other if he made any movement. Yuto shifted closer to Greg, wrapping his arms around his torso. There was no way Greg was getting any sort of sleep tonight. 

Wings Of Despair - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now