Chapter 13

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The sun had risen over the horizon, an indication that today was the day to rid of Negative Emotions. Yuta arose from the bed drowsily, yawning as she stretched her arms over her head as she heard the satisfying crack of her bones. She then twisted her back left and right to rid of the stiff knot, her spine singing with relief. She placed her bare feet onto the carpet and made her way towards the kitchen. As she was making her vegemite sandwich, Snab had slithered its way towards Yuta's feet. Yuta smiled at the intrusion, as she squatted and picked the slithering being up in her arms, letting it slither around her neck comfortably. Yuta accidentally got some vegemite on her finger, so she rose her pointer finger towards the Snake-crab hybrid and observed as it's small, slim tongue flickered over the substance. Snab reeled back, hissing as it didn't like the salty taste on its tongue. Yuta chuckled at this, and popped the finger in between her lips, sucking the remainder vegemite off the skin. She hummed from the lovely taste. Not long after, Greg had emerged into the kitchen, placing his forehead onto the other's shoulder.

"Morning." Yuta greeted.

This resulted with a hum in return. Snab slid away from Yuta's neck and migrated to the top of Greg's blonde locks, almost as if Snab were a crown. Greg's eyelids were on the verge of sealing, tempted to bring Yuta onto his bed and cuddle with her as the pair fall into a deep, comfortable slumber. Though, that was when he realised that today was the day they'd leave this apartment. He arose from the comfortable spot that was Yuta's shoulder and stretched his limbs, Snab snuggling into the fluffy abyss of hair.

"Today's the day, huh?" Greg started, in attempt to create small talk.

Yuta hummed, then bit into her newly made sandwich. "Let's just get this over with."

"Um... before that, though," Greg trailed, hesitant to bring the topic up. "are you going to come out to James? The sooner the better, so it isn't awkward. If you're comfortable with it, of course!"

Yuta smiled, and chuckled. "Don't worry about it, I was thinking the same thing. I'm gonna call James then Aki and come out to them. I think it'd be better if it were done separately, makes it more personal."

"I understand." Greg hummed in response.

After Yuta and Greg were done with their breakfast, they grabbed their bags and made their way out of the apartment. Greg then felt a tightness on top of his head, which reminded him of the living being settled on top. He carefully grabbed the long Snab and gently placed it into Yuta's shoulder bag, where it contently curled up and fell back to sleep.

"Are you sure you got everything? We aren't coming back here, ever." Greg had become a broken record, triple checking their bags for any misplaced objects.

"Don't worry, I got everything-" As Yuta was replying, her face paled in a pit-dropping realisation. "Oh my god!"

"I knew you forgot something, what is it?! I can quickly get it! Is it your tablet? Your clothes? Please don't tell me you left your toothbrush on the sink." Greg questioned, slight panic starting to form on his features.

"I FORGOT THE JAR OF VEGEMITE!!" Yuta squealed in a state of panic, turning back and desperately reefing the door in hopes it'll open.

"A-Are you serious?" Greg genuinely questioned, before unlocking the door with a howl of laughter, watching in amusement as Yuta rushed in to grab the jar.

Yuta clutched the vegemite closely to her chest, her bottom lip poking out in a pout. "I'm so sorry, I almost forgot about you. You are safe now, my child..."

"Jesus fuckin' Christ." Greg shook his head amusingly, before locking the door once again and carrying the bags to the elevator.

Whilst in the elevator, Yuta took the time to decide the quickest and easiest way to come out to James and Aki. As much as she needed to vent how she felt towards herself, she really didn't want to repeat it, she reckoned it'd feel too forced. It was a 'in the moment' type thing, you had to be there. She couldn't just recreate that exact moment with the same amount of emotion behind her voice, even if that was exactly how she felt. Before Yuta could vocalise her thoughts to Greg, the elevator abruptly stopped, indicating that someone else was boarding the small, moving room. A tall, pale woman entered the lift. She had grey eyes, with a jet-black bob. She wore a black and white suit with golden lace following around the hem of the clothes, with black dress shoes to tie the outfit together. A dark golden tie hung loosely around her neck, tucked in nicely into the blazer.

Wings Of Despair - Book 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu