Chapter 6

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Snab snuggled inside Yuto's scarf-like cape as he made his way towards the Yxes bar just outside of town. His red boots clicked its way towards the entrance of the building. He took a deep breath and lunged himself inside. The creaky door had caught most of the crowds' attention, now gazing their eyes towards the newcomer. Yuto stiffened but forced himself to relax as he made his way towards the countertop, where it laid an assortment number of beverages behind its back. Once he sat himself onto a vacant, lean stool, he releases a breath from his lungs. He had not realised until now, but air had been held back from his quickening anxiety of the place.

"Rough mornin'?" The bartender asked, cleaning out a large, empty glass cup for the next consumer to use. He had an almost-heavy New Zealand accent; it was almost comforting.

"You could say that." Yuto went along with it, even though it wasn't truly a lie.

"Nice accent, are ya visiting here?"


He finally looked up to get a view of the person behind the counter, and immediately noticed the tag on his shirt. "Carter". He had dark brown hair, with the ends flattened down, but some still pointed out. Dark, chocolate eyes followed the soft look of his dark skin, which sadly didn't match the intense black and white uniform laid over his body.

'That was strangely easier than expected. Now, to find the other partner.' Yuto politely smiled back at the bartender as he gave him a beer on the house, then scanned the room for the other person.

"Lookin' for someone? A date?" Carter questioned, trying to start up a conversation to get to know more about the newcomer in his bar.

"No, I just needed a breather."

"Wanna talk about it?" He cautiously asked.

"Umm..." Yuto tried to make up an excuse when a sudden flashback filled his mind.


"Are you actually a boy?" Belle questioned.

"He is, and he's obviously not into you. Come on Yuto, let's go."


Yuto perked up. "I think-"

There was a creak, and it came from the main entrance of the bar. Yuto looked back and knew the person was Amanda. Don't ask him how he knew, it was the vibe of the person that made him certain.

"What was that?" Carter questioned, wanting him to finish his sentence.

"...Excuse me for a sec, will ya?" Yuto swiftly snuck his hand into his bag and summoned a small arrow in between his fingers. He pushed the drink towards the other and held out his right hand. "Thanks for the drink, but I don't do well with alcohol."

Carter's gaze lingered at the sight of Yuto's hand, then went to his innocent smile. Yuto's ocean eyes showing genuine trust, gratefulness, and gratitude. He smiled, and gladly took the other mans hand with a firm shake.

"No worries. Feel free to come back anytime, don't be a stranger." Carter chuckled at his own joke – his accent became highly notable – finally letting go of Yuto's hand.

Carter patted Yuto's back, taking his attention to the new face at the doorway. As Yuto made his way towards the front door, he purposely bumped his left shoulder into the female who had made her way into the bar.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Yuto apologised, patting her shoulder – pricking her along the way.

"It's okay." Amanda smiled back, now locking eyes with Carter.

Yuto took note of her gaze, and simply walked away.

'Job complete. Now I can go home.' Yuto thought, before he stopped.

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