Chapter 11

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Greg was awoken from the fumbling sounds of fabric outside his door. He arose from the bed, and glanced around the room, confused.

'When did I get here? Wasn't I watching a movie with Yuto?'

"You said you were tired, so Yuto took you to bed."

Greg slightly flinched from the voice's sudden presence. 'Oh, okay.'

Greg then removed himself from the bed, deciding to assess the nonsense that might be occurring outside his room. The first thing he was met with was Snab, curled into a tight ball just outside his bedroom door – Greg had almost stepped on him. He then looked up, met with Yuto hurriedly packing the freshly cleaned clothes into their bags.


Yuto flinched from the sudden call of her name – for more reasons than one, though Greg paid no mind. Yuto tilted her head towards the male.


"What are you doing...?" Greg questioned, slurring his sentence due to his confusion with Yuto's actions.

"I got a new Warrior job in Hamilton. We're gonna leave tomorrow." Yuto informed Greg. "If that's okay with you?"

"Wow, how nice of him."

Greg had expected the voices' remark to be sarcastic, but it surprisingly wasn't.

"No, that's cool with me. I was getting kind of sick of this place, anyway." Greg answered, as he slightly grinned. "Is there any way I can help?"

"I'm almost done, so no thanks."

"Alright." Greg replied, making his way towards the kitchen.

Greg had quickly whipped up some vegemite on toast, peeling the crust from the cooked bread. He chucked the discarded crust into the bin and proceeded to take a bite from the edge of the bread. He hummed in content, loving the way toast mixed nicely with vegemite. Greg sat on the couch, then noticed something in the corner of his eye move. It was Snab, it had awoken from its slumber. Snab noticed Greg was nearby and started to slither towards him.

"Hey, bud." Greg greeted, lowering his arm to the ground to grant Snab easy access to his shoulders.

Snab happily took the gratitude, twirling around Greg's clothed arm and settled on both of his shoulders.

Yuto chuckled. "I swear, Snab likes you more than me."

"What, you jealous?" Greg remarked, offering his own laugh.

"Perhaps." Yuto joked, as she folded the last bit of clothing, and placed it into the bag ready for tomorrow.

Yuto made her way towards the couch and eyed the food in Greg's hand.

"Why is the bread brown and crispy-looking? It wasn't like that when we bought it."

"It's called toast, you basically cook the bread in a toaster. It gives a bit of spice – especially with vegemite on it." Greg answered, raising his palms to give Yuto a better look at the food.

"Can I try some?" Yuto asked, as she snatched the toast from Greg's hands to inspect it.

"I can make you some-"

Greg cut himself off when Yuto had carelessly taken a bite from the piece of bread. Greg noticed that Yuto had bitten right on the part he had been taking bites from, making him flush from the unintentional-indirect kiss – He definitely wasn't exaggerating the situation.

Yuto cooed, slightly tilting her head with a goofy smile. "This does add spice! Could you make me some? Please?"

"Sure." Greg accepted the slight plea, arising from the couch – Snab was displeased with the abrupt movement.

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