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"Rules of this game are easy,"Namjoon addresses to the whole student body and the participants. "Cheating is forbidden. It includes hidden tactics and wrong methods like outside help from someone who is not a part of the game, black magic or anything that can hurt an opponent and result in some serious injury. You're not allowed to use magic, until or unless it's allowed for completion of mission. You may use your super vision, super speed, hypnosis that won't cause any harm, flying ability for transportation, telepathy, ninjutsu, self-defense technique and any one of your special abilities. Special abilities will be left for face to face combat, beat your opponents with fair means and you shall get the prize. No one from the student body is allowed to help out any of the participants."

        "It can result in immediate disqualification and for the student, he shall be expelled from Vamprel academy and will not be allowed to further continue their studies in any of the participating academies." 

        "Expel?" You're in shock. You didn't expect there to be such strict rules for this game but none of the participants seemed surprised. They look like they're aware and prepared. "So much for being supernatural." You wonder to yourself in a moment of silence,"I didn't know the academy was so strict about things. Not to mention all of these are not even humans! I'm a simple high school teenage girl who got her life mixed up with these vampires and right now I have to be a part of this deadly competition to compete for..."you look over to the trophy covered in a red cloth,"for a cup?"

        Somehow you're scared. Unsure and insecure. You walk over to Jimin and Tae. "I can't believe I have to be a part of this all when I was supposed to be in my summer camp smooching my new bf!"

        "Too bad that bf will have to wait,"Jimin chuckles,"besides these guys are no match for us. Tae and I can wipe them all out without any help from you guys." Tae and Jimin fist bump.

        "Jimin it is not annihilation of our opponents,"Seokjin warns him. "Don't hurt anyone and don't use any dark magic. Taehyung, you're not allowed to use your powers unless called for and unless I permit you to use them."

        "WHAAAT?"Jimin yells in surprise,"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?"

        "Taehyung's power are pure black to begin with, we can't allow him to use them unless he's told. Also Jungkook,Jimin and Hoseok will be going in for the first round." Seokjin instructs. "Y/N, you're going to go with Taehyung and Yoongi in the next one."

        'ME?'you quiver in your shoes. "You have been selected by the box of names here to enter the second round."He explains. You look over at the box. Yoongi told you about it once. 

        It decides on the names put in it that are best suited for any task. Yoongi told you it was used by the ancient spirits when they would face unfavorable situations. Since they were already the most skilled, they were never faced with unlikely situations. So not knowing what they were supposed to do, they would use the box and venture on their tasks with it's fortune telling ability. Now it was limited to pointing out the names of the ones who were to face the tasks.

        'I can't cause an embarrassment to the academy's name! I'll be a laughing stock if that happens!'

        A childhood memory of yours' crosses your mind.


        Everyone was playing dodge ball in kindergarten. You and a small petite boy were left to be picked out. It was always you and someone else who were the least favorite of the the other kids to pick in their teams.         

        "I pick..."one of the kids pondered out loud. "I pick Lee Y/N...since I have no choice,"he pointed out to you. You jumped in happiness and excitement. "I can't believe they picked me!"

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