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        You've been pretty out of it since you've been preparing for the dinner. To your surprise it was a ball, not the ones you throw and play but it's actually a dance. You're in luck Seulgi is obsessed with dancing and she made you and Bambam do all of her choreographies with her. 

        You had developed a pretty good grip for this occasion. You had been in a lot of couple dances with you and Bambam practically tripping over each other's steps. You sigh out loud, the dream you had this morning was pretty heavy on you. Your heart's not at ease.

        You rub your chest,"Stop hurting so much!" 

        It doesn't. "Will you?"you ask it but words don't seem to work on it. You've been in your room after breakfast. The dinner's still a day away so you guys had some free time to relax. Well in your case you haven't even been to the battle field for the past four days. 

        "So not Harry Potter,"you mumble in bed.


        "Y/N?You in there?" someone knocks your door. You recognize his voice immediately and smile. He's the perfect vampire for this time. "It's open!"

        He walks in with his little buddy missing. "Hey,"he waves at you and motions for you to move over as he lays beside you on your bed. You move towards the wall to give him more space.

        "Where's Tannie?"you ask. 

        "He's asleep so I came over to check up on you." He rests his head on his arm. "So what you up to?staring at the ceiling?"

        You sigh. "Yeah,"you look up at the ceiling. "It's so quiet even though such a huge thing is being hosted."

        He glances at you,"It's because you weren't competing in the last few challenges." He raises his hands up and shows you his fingers. "You see these black marks? They're because of yesterday's combat."

        "I heard you used the dark magic you have,"you notice the marks on his hands. It's a shade of maroon but darker.

        "You are lucky to get to rest so much, Yoongi hyung would kill to be in your place right now, he hates the hard work."

        You chuckle,"Yeah he's not someone who likes moving around too much." You glance at him.

        "I know,"Tae smiles still staring at the ceiling. 

        "So who are you taking to the ball?"you inquire all excited to see if he has a girlfriend. He shrugs,"We don't take people with us, we just choose a partner there and then dance with them."

        "So none of you has girlfriends?"your excitement dies. 


        "Man, no wonder I haven't seen anyone around you guys,"you pout. 

        Tae turns to face you,"You have been giving an off aura,Y/N...I didn't want to ask you but is something bothering you?"

        Your face turns red,"Huh?"

        "You seem off the normal routine, I believe you want to talk about it?"he asks. You hate how he can read you through in and out. You turn to face him.

        "Yeah, there's something that's bothering me." You admit since it's useless to lie to him.


        "I am bothered about my dad...and I have so little time here...I wanted to find out more since this place has some connection with him." He stares in your eyes.

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