author's emergency announcement

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GUYS! okay you can't complain that I didn't update, I literally bombarded y'all with updates as long as I could.

But now, that firing and that will power are to be laid to some rest till another free opportunity arises for me since I have a pretty harsh situation at my hands.

First of all, my dad moves around a lot, from city to city because of his work. And we move with him since that's how we're supposed to live.

I thought I had it this time but life said,"Booyah! You'll never get rid of these things! MUAHAHAHAHHAHA!"

So I can't help it and we're moving again, needless to mention but I still will... I've already moved 11 different cities. Yes, 11, this is my 12th station. I've lived at places for 4 months, 2 weeks to actually 4 years at times. Mostly we had 24 months scheduled to stay and changing schools was like a pain in a**. Still I don't think I'm ready to leave this place. It's my home, a place I started my journey as an author, I joined university and actually made friends I've always prayed to have.

But as they say,"when life kicks you in the can't escape the mark." And same happened here. I'm moving and I have to help with the shifting and packing.

I was originally planning to end my stories but if I rushed them... they'll look like cream custard that has mold over it and I don't want to do that.

And I won't rush my stories cause they're my stories and I will write them with emotions of youth that I hold in my 98 years old heart. *Grandma groaning noises*

SO YEAH! Y'ALL HAVE TO BE PATIENT AGAIN! OR YOU CAN TRY MY OTHER STORIES? I know I deleted "The CEO" and I guess Anpanman was deleted as well? Idk I loved it but I couldn't write it considering I've been trying to complete two more stories that I wrote on another website only to find out I'm not getting paid for one of them. It was sad but sad flipped is das and das not good if you think too much.

So...I think I'll drop a small spoiler or something and y'all can wonder who that is.

Using Past Tense:

He laid on the ground as he grew colder than ever. Despite being a cold blood, this was the first time he felt the cold.

You ran over to him. You pushed him up with all your strength and rested his head in your lap.
His eyes were growing lifeless by now.

The past two and a half years of knowing him and his warmth always made it to your heart, but today...there seemed to be no life in him.

"Hey..."he smiled in pain. Your eyes were welling up.
"Please stay still, help is on the way,"you managed to whisper to him. Your lips quivered in vain.
"There's no use,"he looked into your eyes. Silence fell, everyone stared at each other, the storm was coming to a rest.

He gently raised his hand to touch your cheek. The back of it rested against your left cheek as he gazed at you with all the love he had in his heart.

"Please stay with m-me,"you whimpered terribly, unable to control your tears. Those salted water drops fell over his hair, and one even managed to fall on his lips.

His left eye was cut in half, the bruise made over it was a mixture of yellow, purple and blood.

He smiled once again,"If day...I get the chance in another life time-"
You cried out loud.


The medical team rushed things but he held your arm and asked you to stop them. "Treat those who are not at the brim of death, unlike me."

They knew it was no help. Everyone stood in their places, unable to get over what had happened, they were all in a shock themselves.

"Hey listen to me,"he squeezed your wrist. You coughed as you cried and nodded at him.

"If in another life... could there be a chance where you fall for me? Could I be someone who's worthy of being your love?...I knew we were never meant to be lovers or I never stood a chance but I still fell in love with you."

Your eyes widened in pain. He was the one you had loved for as long as you could remember. You had loved him unconditionally and uncontrollably. He was your comforter, your heart and your one true love.

"Please-"you whined out loud. Your voice cracked. "PLEASE STAY!"

His grip on your wrist loosened up as his hand fell down.

"PLEASE! I LOVE YOU!"you screamed in pain.

"I'm sorry, Y/N...but maybe in another life time...we might be able to have a beautiful life. I pray that day comes when I get to hold you, with no regrets and fears." His lips also quivered,"Until then..."

His body started to vanish into gold dust. You opened your eyes, and saw him vanishing, his head in your lap weighted lighter than a leaf as he closed his eyes and smiled at you one last time before vanishing forever, completely.

The other six stood in their places, unable to believe he was gone. The one who was always there for everyone, was no more.

You fell down on the ground and fainted in shock as Mr.Dragon and the headmaster ran over to you, yelling your name. But you had fallen into a deep sleep yourself, and no one knew when were you going to wake up.

Haha nah I'm just kidding. Y'all can't handle death since you might have a heart attack yourself, lol. XD

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