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In case of any questions or queries, please don't worry. The details will be revealed at their right time. <3


        After one month:

        You look up at the moon. It has never been this much quieter before. Your eyes glint up in hope and satisfaction. The trials ended. Dong Wook has been confined into prison. How did that happen? You were a fetus in your mother's belly when this incident happened. 

        It took a week's time to finally clear up the whole back story and situation, but still some part remain empty. Some mysteries remain unclear. You want to know why Yoongi's sister did this all in the first place because Dong Wook wasn't the one manipulating her. It's still a bit unclear. 

        You rub your arms, it's too cold. Well that should be right since it's eighteenth of December already. Your heart's unsettled even though the storm ended. You sigh out loud.

        "Y/N, you should close the window. It is pretty cold." Yoongi knocks at your door. "You should turn on the heating, I believe it was installed already?"

        "Please come in and yes it had been installed." You smile at him. "I hope it's not too warm for you?"

        He scratches his head. "Nah I know the living conditions of humans. I have lived with them too long to not-" he notices a picture on your side table. It's your mother and you.

        He walks up to it. "Is that?"

        "Mhm...that's me and mom. Back in fifth grade I made her take a picture with me. She never takes her pictures because she hates her photo being taken." You tell him.

        "Is it just me or does she look old?"He jokes.

        You hit him lightly,"Hey that's rude."

        He chuckles lightly. "I'm kidding." He sits on your bed. You sit beside him. He notices your hair grew up. He plays with your loose ends. Rolling them around his finger. 

        "Y/N..."he pulls you down by your arm. You lay beside him. You stare right into his eyes. Who knew you would grow this comfortable with him. This intimate with him. There's no other feeling than wanting to explain yourself to him, than wanting him by your side. You can't describe this feeling and these emotions but somehow you want him to stay by your side like this for an indefinite amount of time.

        "You're worried about something, right?" He asks.

        You look away, trying to avoid his gaze. "YN?"he asks again, a little impatient this time.

        "I you know my engagement with Tae is-"

        "It's fake? An Act?" He raises his brow.

        "Hey! how do you know that?!" You ask flustered. 

        "I could tell it right away. I knew you guys were acting." He shrugs. "It's not a surprise since you like Jungkook and not Tae-"

        "HEY!"You sit up straight. 

        "I'm not blind, remember?" he rolls his eyes. "I see and observe a lot more than you can even imagine."


        "It's nothing to be scared off. I mean you like him, there's no big deal." 

        You cover your face with your hands. "I'm so embarrassed."

        "Now I can blackmail you all I want." He smiles. You hit his leg. 

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