Chapter 16

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You woke up feeling disoriented. Looking around, you realized you'd fallen asleep in Yoongi's bed after your talk. You attempted to sit up only to be held down by a pale arm. Smiling down at Yoongi's sleeping face, you gently peeled his arm off of you and made your way to the dorm kitchen.

Namjoon was sitting on the counter with a book and a - was that a sippy cup? Holding back a laugh, you poured yourself a mug of coffee and sat next to Namjoon on the counter. You waved your hand in front of his face and he jumped in surprise.

"Good morning," you signed with a grin.

"Morning. When did you get here? I didn't even notice you," Namjoon asked.

"I woke up a few minutes ago. Can't start the day without coffee," you answered, holding up your mug of sweet heaven.

"Ah. Same here," Namjoon said, putting down his book and lifting the lime green sippy cup.

You raised an eyebrow and pointed to the sippy cup in question.

"Oh, yeah. Seokjin-hyung left a sippy cup on my desk with a note telling me I was banned from using the regular mugs for a week," Namjoon explained. Your eyebrow rose higher and he grinned. "I may or may not have broken 3 mugs in the span of a week. And one of those may or may not have been hyung's favorite Mario mug."

You laughed at his misfortune and at the thought of Seokjin going to the store just to buy Namjoon a sippy cup out of pettiness over a Mario mug. It was just so like him. Namjoon frowned at your happiness, but was quick to join you in your giggles.

You heard a loud thunk and looked up to find Jungkook stepping away from the wall and in through the kitchen entrance as he rubbed his head with a small pout. Aish, that kid. He was too adorable to be real. With his messed up hair and duck pajamas, you resisted the urge to pinch his cheeks.

You snapped your fingers to get his attention and his head turned to you with such force that he almost fell down. Sleepy Bangtan was the best Bangtan in your opinion.

"Nooma!" he exclaimed with enough volume to wake the whole of South Korea. Namjoon glared at the maknae and he immediately bowed his head in apology. "Sorry, hyung. Don't want to wake the others, I know." Namjoon nodded his acceptance of the apology and with a serious face, lifted the sippy cup to his mouth and took a long sip of his coffee.

You spluttered, struggling not to spit out the coffee in your mouth. It was in vain though, as your drink sprayed forth and you held your stomach with giggles. Namjoon only turned to you with a raised eyebrow, but you could tell he was struggling not to smile.

"Biohazard! Biohazard!" Jungkook whisper screamed, flailing his arms in the air as he ran around the kitchen.

So, you covered in coffee and doubled over laughing, coffee sprayed on the floor and counter, Namjoon drinking from a neon sippy cup, and Jungkook sprinting around the tiny kitchen while whisper screaming was the exact scene that a very sleepy Seokjin walked into.

"Yah! What have you brats - oh hello Y/N - done to my kitchen?!" Seokjin exclaimed with a loud gasp. This only fueled your laughter and you fell off the counter, landing on the tile floor with a loud thud and clutching your stomach in pain.

"Who died?" Jimin asked, wandering into the already cramped kitchen and taking in the previously mentioned scene with an added shocked Seokjin and you on the floor.

"I can't breathe," you signed from your place on the ground. You had landed face-down, so you were signing with your hands above your back as your face remained pressed against the tile.

Another set of footsteps approached and then a "Why is Y/N having a seizure?" from Taehyung. His voice went deeper when he was sleepy, if that was even possible, and he sounded like one of those huge gongs with his deep resonating voices.

You were contemplating starting a new show called Morning With Bangtan. You're pretty sure even anti-Army's would watch it. It would certainly be a great ab workout with how much you were laughing at the moment.

More footsteps approached and then, "Y/N!" in a loud attempt at a whisper scream. The newcomer was clearly Hoseok. He tried to crouch down to hug you as you lay shaking on the floor but only succeeded in falling on top of you and having 6/7 of Bangtan laughing hysterically in the kitchen at 7 in the morning.

There was only one member missing, but not for long as his presence was announced by a very loud and grouchy "Will you brats and Seokjin-hyung shut the fuck up? Some people are trying to sleep!"

You scooched an arm out from where it was trapped under Hoseok and waved at Yoongi.

"Y/N? Hoseok what are doing on top of my girlfriend? And why are you on the floor? And why is there coffee everywhere? And why - you know what I'm just going to stop asking now. I'm not sure I want to know. Love the sippy cup, Namjoon. Really suits you. And Jungkook, stop panicking. I'm sure whatever biohazard there was is gone now. I'm going back to bed. Y/N, feel free to join me..... No Taehyung, not you too," with that, you heard Yoongi leave the kitchen and the dorm return to somewhat normalcy.

Hoseok helped you up and you stared at the large coffee stain on your shirt. Oh well, you could just borrow Yoongi's clothes. You said your good mornings to everyone and then retreated to Yoongi's room for some well deserved cuddle time.

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