Chapter 28

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Every cloud has a silver lining, but sometimes you just want to take that silver lining and shove it down someone's throat. Whoever said pregnancy was a beautiful thing clearly never went through it. What, exactly, was beautiful about peeing every 5 minutes, not being able to see your feet, and waking up at 3 in the morning to satisfy a craving for kimchi on peanut butter crackers... with mayonnaise on top?

Absolutely nothing, that's what. And anyone who told you otherwise could fight you and the flesh ball you were currently carrying. That's right. Flesh ball. You were in your fifth month and though you were able to know the gender, you'd decided to keep it a secret.

You also had more baby stuff then you could possible imagine. After finding out about the baby, Yoongi and you had shared the news to Army on Twitter, who were just as excited as you. Of course, it was just like the sweet fans to bring baby items to every fanmeet. While the other members were receiving dolls and snacks, Yoongi was getting a constant flow of everything from baby clothes to plushies to pacifiers and bottles to even a roll of kumamon wallpaper. You appreciated it, but you also had enough stuff to open a Babies 'R Us.

As fun as all that was, it certainly didn't feel fun now. You stretched your arms and turned you head to face the glowing numbers on your bedside clock. 2:27. Great. You faced the ceiling for a few minutes, trying to decide what it was exactly that you were craving in the moment. Not able to place it, you rolled (more like fell) off the bed.

You silently padded over to the kitchen in your fuzzy cat socks that Taehyung had given you for your birthday. The moonlight filtered in through the window and glinted off the shiny countertops. You and Yoongi had moved into a larger apartment together during your third month to make room for the flesh ball. You were fine with your old place, to be honest, but Yoongi had insisted on letting you pick a newer and fancier place. So here you were, standing in your brand new kitchen, barefoot on the cold tile, with the fridge wide open trying to figure out what you wanted to eat.

After about 30 seconds of this, your legs grew tired and you plopped down on the floor, staring up at the variety of choices. You felt warm arms wrap around you from behind and you unconsciously leaned back into the hold.

"Can't decide what to eat?" Yoongi murmured next to your ear. You shook your head vigorously, almost on the verge of tears in frustration.

"Don't cry, jagiya. It's not your fault. Go sit on the barstool and close your eyes," Yoongi soothed, rubbing your arms. He kept his arms around you as you followed his instructions and you let out a soft sigh of disappointment when you felt him let go.

You heard him walk around the kitchen for a bit before stopping in front of you. "Open your mouth, Y/N," he said. You did as told and felt him place a spoon in your mouth. You took the food off of it and grimaced at the taste. You shook your head to show your dissatisfaction. "Okay. So not salty food."

He returned again a minute later with another spoon and you nodded this time as you found the taste enjoyable."Sweet it is. Give me a minute while I make you something," Yoongi said. You opened your eyes and saw your husband scurrying around the kitchen as he whipped up something for you to eat.

He stood across the counter just 5 minutes later and slid a mug over to you. You gingerly lifted it and smelled the contents. Hot chocolate. Another sniff. With peppermint. Just the way you liked it. You took a long sip and then leaned over the counter as best as you could to kiss Yoongi. You felt him swipe his tongue over your closed lips and smiled.

"Delicious," he said, walking around the counter to sit next to you.

"Thank you," you signed.

"No problem. It's the least I can do for you," Yoongi said, placing an arm over your shoulders.

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