Chapter 23

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Your voice back?

Not really yours, of course. Your sister's. Your dead sister's. But still. To talk. For the first time in years. In your whole life.

You must have blacked out for a second, because the next thing you knew, you were on the floor, staring up at ceiling. You shook your head and forced yourself to stand up on trembling legs. You could hear the doctor saying more, but it was all blurred together into a hazy mess. You just nodded at her and moved past to find Ivy in the waiting room.

She jumped up as you approached, gathering you in her arms.

"Ivy. She's gone. She's gone and- Ivy they want me to have her vocal cords. They say I can have my voice back. What do I do? It's too much. There's too much happening," you fumbled over your words, fingers intertwining where they shouldn't and incorrect signs.

"Hey, Y/N. It's okay. It's going to be okay. Why don't we go home for now and you can come back to see her later today? The nurses told me they wouldn't start until tonight. We have some time, okay? Let's go home," Ivy soothed you, gently leading you out the door.

A quick ride back to her apartment and you were back to sitting blankly on her couch. Ivy kneeled in front of you and took your hands in hers.

"No. Y/N, no. I'm not letting you disappear again. We're going to think this through together, alright? You know what? I'm calling the boys. Not him. The other boys. You need as much support as you can get and they love you just as I do," Ivy decided, pulling out her phone to call each of the boys and demand that they get their asses here pronto.

Jungkook was the first to enter. He'd been shopping nearby and sprinted over. The young boy quickly sat down next to you and pulled you in a tight hug. You gratefully squeezed back.

Taehyung and Jimin were next, immediately joining the hug as well. Seokjin, Namjoon, Hoseok were the last to arrive, but still hugged you with just as much force.

"So now that we're here, what's going on Y/N?" Namjoon asked, sitting in front of you on the floor. The comfort of seeing your favorite boys again helped your mind slow down and process everything that was happening. The past few days had been so eventful and there had been no time to sit down and think for a second.

"You know of my sister, right?" you started. A couple nods around the room. "Her name was Maya. I got the call this morning that she was in an accident and so I went to the hospital and she- she's gone." Taehyung squeezed your arm in comfort, knowing how hard it was to lose a family member.

"That's not all. No one else really know this except Ivy, but I wasn't born mute. I lost my voice really young due to an illness. They had to remove my vocal cords and there was a lot of scarring. I could have had a transplant, but I have a rare blood type that is really hard to find in a living person, forget an organ donor. But my sister and I share the same blood type, so the doctor said that I could- I could speak again," you finished explaining and dropped your hands in your lap.

"Oh Y/N. I'm so sorry," Hoseok said. His usual cheery demeanor was gone, replaced by a soft, worried look. One by one they whispered their words of sympathy. A hand on the head, a squeeze of the shoulder, a touch on the arm. And you were suddenly reminded of how much you missed these boys you'd grown to love so much.

"So what are you going to do?" Jimin asked, encouraging you to make a decision.

"I don't know. That's why I need you guys here. I need you to help me make a choice," you answered, looking at them all hopefully.

"Well, let's weigh your options," Namjoon said, taking the practical route. "On one hand, you have just lost your sister, and taking her voice seems garish."

"But on the other hand, Y/N, you could speak," Taehyung said, coming in with the second option.

"Let's look at the pros and cons of each," Seokjin spoke up, ever the perfect older brother. "If you don't choose the transplant, you can say goodbye to your sister, let her go, and move on. However, you lose the only opportunity in your whole life to regain the ability to speak."

"If you do choose to do it," Hoseok piped up, "you would be able to speak, which relieves you of a major obstacle in your life and you would always have your sister with you in a sense. However, in addition to the feeling of having taken something from your sister, you would have to go through a lot of recovery and therapy to learn how to speak."

You nodded along to all the comments, visually weighing the pros and cons in your head.

"Jungkook?" you called to the maknae sitting beside you who had yet to input his thoughts. "What do you think?"

Jungkook looked frozen for a second, but then relaxed as he answered you. "Y/N-nooma. You're my nooma. And I'll love you regardless of what you choose. We all will. We're your family and whatever you decide, we'll love you anyway. We can give you the facts, but the real decision is yours to make. This is your life, Y/N. Only you can decide how you want to play your cards," the young boy answered.

"Oh, Kookie, when did you grow up so much?" you replied affectionately, rubbing the top of his head. His cheeks turned adorably pink and you smiled for what seemed like the first time in ages. "You guys should go now. Jungkook's right. Thanks for all your support and help, but I need to make this decision myself. I'll see you guys tomorrow, alright? I only have a few more hours to make my choice."

The boys, correction, your family, stood up and gave you a long hug as they filed out with sincere promises of talking to you later. Ivy followed behind, allowing you some space.

As the door shut behind your favorite people in the world, you were left alone to make the biggest decision of your life.

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