Chapter 22

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Your POV

You left the bathroom just as you heard the front door close. "Y/N! I'm back!" you heard her call from the living room. Quickly tying your hair up into a ponytail, you entered the living room to find her holding a bag of ice to her hand.

"Ivy..." you signed.

"Oh, this? I just banged my hand on a wall. No need to worry. Are you ready to go?" Ivy asked, smiling and putting down the bag of ice. You caught a glimpse of the bruised knuckles and sighed, knowing there was no way she 'banged her hand on a wall'. Still, whatever it was, she didn't want to tell you, so you let it slide for the moment.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go," you answered. She grabbed your hand and dragged you out the door to where a taxi was waiting outside the apartment building.

The ride to the fairground was fairly short, but full of discussion as you and Ivy planned out the order of the rides. Once you entered, the first ride on your list was the biggest one. After going through that and several others, you decided to stop for a short break for lunch.

As you settled onto a bench with your burger in hand, you pulled out your phone to see that you had 3 missed calls. Not Skype calls, but actual phone calls. And from an unknown number at that.

"Can you call back and see what they need?" you asked Ivy. She put her sandwich down and took the phone from you before pressing the redial button.

"Hello. Is this Y/N L/N?" an unknown female voice came from the phone after a few short rings. You nodded at Ivy to speak.

"Yes. Who is this?" she asked for you.

"My name is Evelyn Morris. I'm calling about you sister, Maya L/N," the voice said. You'd never heard of her before, but instantly became worried at the sound of your sister's name.

"Maya? Is she alright?" you prompted Ivy to say out loud into the phone.

"I'm very sorry, but Maya has been in a terrible accident. I'm afraid I can't say more over the phone, but she is currently at the Lee General Hospital on 5th street in Seoul," Evelyn said. It took a second for her words to register. Terrible accident? Maya? It didn't seem possible to think that such a thing could happen. There was already so much happening in your life, was it possible to have even more drama?

"I'll be there soon," Ivy said at your request and hung up the phone.

"I'm sorry, Ivy. I have to go," you apologized, gathering your things as fast as humanly possible. She stood up as well, helping you pack everything up.

"No, no. Don't apologize. This is your sister. Let's go," Ivy said. The hospital mentioned was relatively close by and you hurried in only 15 minutes after hanging up the phone.

"Y/N L/N here to see Maya L/N," Ivy said as you pulled your ID from your bag. One of the nurses behind the desk check your card before ushering you to a room in the ICU. Ivy was forced to stay behind as only family was allowed at that point.

You hesitated in front of the door, not sure how you felt at the moment. A strange mix of happiness, fear, sadness, and comfort all mixed together. Happiness and comfort at seeing your sister for the first time in years. Fear and sadness at seeing her in intensive care.

With a small dose of courage, you gingerly pushed open the door. Laying on the small bed was a bloody, broken version of the sister you knew. Tears pricked your eyes as you stepped closer to the only family you really had left.

The room was dark, the only light coming in through the cracks in the blinds. You slowly sat down in the chair next to her bed. With a heavy breath, you gently reached out and brushed the matted hair from her face.

The door opened and shut and you froze with your hand on her forehead. "Y/N?" a familiar voice asked.

You turned around to find Suji, Maya's wife, wearing a cast and holding two cups of coffee. "Hi, Suji. I just got the call," you greeted with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry about that," she apologized, handing you one of the coffee cups and taking the seat on the other side of the bed. "I don't have your number and Maya's phone was only just recovered from the wreck," she continued, softly combing her fingers through Maya's hair.

"What happened?" you asked, taking a sip of the coffee. It was bland and burned your tongue, but the only thoughts in your mind surrounded your sister.

"It's funny in its own twisted way. We were on our way to see you. We'd taken a trip here to Seoul and Maya's first request was to visit you. She said she couldn't wait to see you and catch up and then another car ran a red light and hit the driver's side. She was driving. It all happened so fast. One second we were talking and laughing and she was so happy and the next second I'm upside down and there's blood everywhere and all I can think is Maya, Maya, Maya. And now here she is, with you again and not," Suji said, as tears spilled down her cheeks.

"Are you alright?" you asked, concerned for your sister-in-law.

"I'm alright, thanks. Mostly cuts and bruises. I did break my arm, as you can see. It's just not fair. She was so excited and happy. It should have been me," Suji cried, her voice choking on tears.

You laid your hand on top of hers in comfort and she nodded in thanks.

"Y/N, what do I do? She's gone," Suji cried. You looked at your sister's body and for the first time, realized that she wasn't breathing. You followed the mess of tubes and wires to a monitor on the side. A life-support monitor.

You tapped on Suji's hand frantically as reality seeped in. "Suji. Suji, is she-?" Suji nodded and suddenly you were a sobbing mess as well.

"She's an organ donor, so they're keeping her body alive. This is our time to say goodbye," Suji explained. "Didn't they say that on the phone?"

You could only shake your head. She was gone? Maya, your wild, energetic, loving sister, was gone? It didn't seem possible. It wasn't possible. This was supposed to be a happy reunion. Seeing each other for the first time in years. Hugs and dinner and long conversations catching up. Not tears over a hospital bed.

Three soft knocks and the door opened again. A young lady peeked her head in.

"I'm so sorry, but Ms. L/N, could I talk to you please?" she asked. Confused, you nodded and followed the lady into the hall outside the room.

"I'm mute," you signed, clearing that up before she got confused.

"I'm aware. Ms.Suji notified me. No need to worry. I can understand sign language," she answered with a smile. "I'm Dr. Evelyn Morris. We spoke on the phone earlier. I'd like to talk to you about Maya's donations."

You nodded slowly, not really sure where this was going.

"Your family doctor, Dr.Kim, sent your files to me once I notified him of Maya's condition. You lost your voice very young, correct?" You nodded, still slightly confused.

"Correct me if my information is incorrect. Due to a major throat infection as a toddler, you had to have your vocal cords removed and the scarring resulted in total muteness. In addition, your blood type combined with a certain protein made transplant impossible," Dr.Morris continued.

"Ms. L/N, you and your sister share the genes, the same blood type, and that same protein. She's close in age and female as well," Dr.Morris paused, allowing me to digest her words.

"Ms. L/N, what I'm say is, you can have your voice back."

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