Chapter 17

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Life slowly went back to normal after that. It took a few days to get over the incident. BigHit released a statement saying that she was a crazy fan and there was nothing between her and Yoongi. Many Army's were happy to hear that and readily accepted it, glad that their precious Yoongi was still available.

Yoongi won back your trust. You'd arrived at your apartment a few days after making up to find Yoongi on your couch with a large order of takeout and your favorite ice cream. Honestly, you were pretty much ready to forgive him, but you wanted to see him work for it a little bit first.

The boys were greatly improving in their sign language and it warmed your heart to see how hard they were trying for you. You could have a full conversation with them and only need to fingerspell one or two words now.

Everything was amazing. They released their new album and you fell in love with it. One Saturday evening, Yoongi came home to find you dancing around your apartment with their album on full volume. You heard the door close and looked up to find Yoongi watching you with amusement. You only froze for a second before pointing to him with the hand not holding your imaginary microphone and mouthing along "You got the best of me" with the song.

Yoongi only shook his and smiled. You danced over to him and grabbed his hands and shook them a bit to get him moving. "Dance with me?" you asked. He tried to pull his hand away, but you held on tight. Giving him your best puppy-face, you signed "Please?" He finally relented and allowed to drag him into the living room where (after some pushing) he danced with you.

You received several promotions at work and were currently the assistant principal. Your life seemed to be perfect. There was nothing you wanted that you didn't have. Of course, this made you very wary. It all seemed to good to be true. Your conflict had been resolved, but for some reason you couldn't get those pictures out of your mind. Were you paranoid? Maybe a little, yeah. Did you have a reason to be? Well... something about Yoongi's apology that day rubbed you the wrong way and you couldn't for the life of you figure out why.

Your birthday arrived too fast. You honestly weren't planning on doing much, but when Taehyung learned of your plans, he immediately called Jungkook to tell him that his "Nooma was going be an old wart on her birthday and he couldn't let that happen".

Thus, you were dragged into the dorm on your birthday by a very eager Taehyung. The maknae line had gone all out with decorations. Or, more like they tried to go all out and got distracted halfway through. Streamers were hung from the walls and the boys as well. There was so much glitter on the floor and on each of them that you were sure their next concert would consist of throwing glitter at Army. A few balloons were on the wall, but most were in pieces on the floor and water (you hoped at least) was everywhere.

"Sorry about the mess, Nooma. Taetae wanted to have a water balloon fight in the middle of decorating," Jimin said as you entered and took in the mess. You ruffled his hair affectionately. At least the kitchen was relatively spotless and the table was laden with delicious food that had your mouth watering at the sight.

The party was more of a regular day with Bangtan that consisted of games, food, and yelling from the boys, but with presents and a cake at the end. As Seokjin carried in the cake, you noticed a large chunk missing from the side. Raising an eyebrow, you laughed on the inside.

"The fridge is not the safest place for food in this dorm," Namjoon explained, giving the maknaes a pointed look. They immediately protested and claimed that it was Hoseok who gave them permission, but the older boy denied it with a knowing and slightly apologetic smile towards you.

The cake was delicious, of course. The presents were beautiful, too. The maknae line all chipped in and together bought you a silver charm bracelet that contained a puppy, bunny, and mochi charm. Hoseok bought you a brand new set of headphones. Namjoon gave you a matching sippy cup to his (you laughed at the memory) as well as a sketchbook. Seokjin's gift was a full set of Mario bedsheets, pillowcases, and duvet covers. Upon closer inspection, you noticed it was the exact one Seokjin had been wanting for himself for a while.

"This is very lovely, but I already have a bed set that I like very much. Thank you, Seokjin, but I'm not sure I will need this. Would like to have it?" you asked.

Seokjin perked up, but instantly calmed himself down and said in a very calm voice, "Well, Y/N, if you really don't have any use for it I suppose I could use some new sheets. Only if you don't want it, of course. I wouldn't want to take away your birthday gifts. I'm not that type of person." He was so that type of person. You handed it over with a smile and watched him hold onto it tightly for the remainder of the evening.

Yoongi's gift was the last one of all. He handed it to carefully and you unwrapped it gently. It was the same photo album that he had handed you on the day you met to show you who he was. But flipping through it, instead of the group's pictures, it was a collection of you two. The photos started from the day after you met when he snapped a quick pic of you in the middle of his hotel suite, continued with various selfies and beautiful photos, and ended with one around a week ago when you had gone to a fair and he captured your profile against the sunset at the top of the ferris wheel. Each photo held a distinct memory and you could feel yourself tearing up as you turned the pages.

You closed the book and felt Yoongi watching you intensely. He saw the tears leaking from your eyes and his curious face switched to worried as he swiftly brought his hands up to wipe your tears. "Is it not good? Do you not like it?" he asked as he ran his thumbs over your cheeks.

You smiled and stopped his furious rubbing with a soft touch. "It's beautiful. I love it. I love it so much. I love you," you signed. Yoongi sighed in relief and pulled you into a tight hug with his head on your shoulder.

"Well, now that the party is over, what do you say we head back to our place and I can show you my other present?" Yoongi whispered huskily into your ear. Your tears instantly dried and your whole face turned beet red. You subtly nodded into the hug and then released him to say your goodbyes and thank yous.

With a very fast farewell to all, you gathered up your things and followed Yoongi back home.

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