Chapter 20

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Ivy swung open her door on the 5th knock.

"Y/N? It's 4 in the- Oh no. Oh, sweetheart, no. You go sit on the couch and put something on while I get some food. Have you eaten lunch yet? I don't think so. I'll get takeout. Do you want Chinese? Actually, don't answer. I'm getting Chinese from that place you like. The one with the really good spring rolls," Ivy rambled, moving you from where you stood numbly in the doorway over to the couch and then leaving to get her phone and the takeout menu.

"What do want to eat? You know what, I'm getting all the good stuff. We can mix and match when it gets here," she continued as she reentered the living room with the menu. You were glad she wasn't asking any questions, because you weren't sure you could answer. It took all your effort to watch her wander around the apartment rambling.

"Are you going to put on a movie? The new- Y/N! Did you go swimming just now?! You're all wet! And your hair! Did you run all the way over here? Pumpkin, you go take a hot shower right now. As long as you need. I don't care if the world needs to conserve water. I'm sure you've cried enough today to fill the Atlantic. Go, pumpkin. I'll get some jammies for you," she continued as she ushered you into her bathroom. You would've smiled at the childhood nickname on any other day. Pumpkin. But today was not a normal day and you weren't sure you could feel your face anymore.

You're not sure how long you were in there, standing under the constant spray long after the hot water had run out, but once you wrapped yourself in a towel and looked outside, night had fallen.

Ivy had left you a set of soft pajamas and you quickly dressed into them, feeling somewhat better from the shower and being dry now.

"Y/N? I heard the water go off. When you're done, you take my brush and fix your hair, okay? I don't care if it looks like Chewbacca shaved his legs in there. You fix yourself up, alright?" Ivy called from outside the bathroom.

You followed her directions obediently, too tired to protest. When you left the bathroom, you were glad she had sent you in there because you felt 10 times better than before.

The coffee table was covered in food and as all the scents mixed together and hit your nose, you realized for the first time that day that you hadn't eaten since breakfast. You and Ivy chowed down, tasting every dish at least once and then settling on your favorite.

Ivy didn't ask you what had happened and for that you were grateful. You weren't sure you could handle thinking of the day's events. When you were ready, you would talk about it, but not yet.

Spending the evening snuggled with your best friend helped you rid the negative thoughts from your mind. You looked over at the clock and saw it read 2 am. Looking down, Ivy was fast asleep on the couch. You turned off the tv and pulled the blankets closer to you before fully laying down next to her.

You rolled over to face the back of the couch with Ivy's back pressed firmly against yours. The absence of Ivy's random chatter left a heavy silence your mind was quick to fill.

You weren't even mad at him. Ivy would kill you twice if she knew you felt like that. She'd say you deserved to be mad and that he was a giant jerkwad. But you couldn't feel that. Everything he'd said was true. No, you weren't mad. Just very, very sad. Heartbroken. Disappointed. Empty. But not mad, no.

This was the scary part of love. The part that people try desperately not to reach, but love is a downhill slope and everyone ends up here eventually.

This was the part where everything good turns bad.

This was the part where all the quirks he fell in love with are the reasons he falls out of love.

Min Yoongi was slipping through your fingers and you were powerless to stop it.

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