Chapter 4

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Your POV

The meeting had been terrible. You had driven like a madman to get to the school on time and on top of that you hadn't your morning coffee. You were basically a zombie at the meeting and didn't get any of what was said to you.

So here you were, standing in front of your favorite cafe in hopes that a frappucino would cure your morning. Or maybe an espresso. Make that double.

A little bell jingled as you pushed open the door to Latte Love. There were only about 5 people ahead of you in line and your favorite barista was working the counter. Perfect. You would have your drink in under 15 minutes.

The line had grown quite a bit behind you by the time you reached the counter. Luckily, the barista, who went by Bea, knew sign language so you didn't have to write out your order.

"One white chocolate mocha with a shot of espresso, please," you signed to Bea. She smiled and waved away your card.

"You come in here everyday. On the house today. You look like you could use it," she said, handing you your receipt. You signed "Thank you" back to her and found your usual spot. A comfy couch in the corner of the cafe where you could watch passersby through the glass wall on your right.

The rain had started to come down and you smiled. Rain was the best weather in your opinion. Ruffling through your bag, you found your favorite cardigan and slipped it on. Maybe this day wasn't so bad after all.

Bea brought your coffee to your table in a steaming hot mug and set it on the table in front of you. You took a long sip from the hot drink and sighed in happiness. Soft piano music filled your ears as you remained in a moment of bliss, hot coffee in hand and watching people scurry about in the pouring rain.

A soft pinging shook you from your happy place. A new text alert. You switched on your phone and found a text from Ivy reminding you about lunch. Shoot. You were supposed to meet her for lunch 15 minutes ago. You shot a quick reply back to her and stood up to ask Bea if she could put your coffee in a disposable cup.

You lifted the mug and held it close to you, careful not to spill on your way to the counter, when you walked straight into someone walking in your direction. The mug almost slipped through your fingers, but you caught it in time, only to have the drink slosh out and fall all over you.

You jumped back as the scalding coffee burned your skin and soaked right through your cardigan and white shirt. Well, there went your favorite cardigan.

"Yah. Watch it," you signed to the offender, holding the cup in one hand and glaring at him.

"What the fuck," he muttered. You dropped the cup.

Yoongi POV

Go outside they said. It'll be fun they said. Yoongi stood frozen, staring at the woman in front of him wondering how on earth this could be fun.

He had listened to Jungkook and gone across the street to the cheesily named cafe for a coffee. Latte Love. What kind of name was that? He had tolerated the annoying jingle as he opened the door, tolerated the line, even tolerated the overly happy barista.

He had been going to find a seat when he walked straight into this young woman and spilling her drink all over her front.

Yoongi squinted at her as she waved her hand in different ways and glared at him.

"What the fuck?" he muttered out loud under his breath. Why wasn't she saying anything?

Yoongi watched the mug slip through her fingers and smash into thousands of little pieces as her eyes widened in surprise. She was staring at him curiously. Yoongi saw her eyes starting to water.

He instinctively backed up. Crying women was not something he knew how to handle. It was just a coffee. Why was she getting emotional? Then Yoongi noticed the coffee staining her shirt, realizing that it must have burned her and the tears were in pain. He immediately felt a pang of guilt at hurting this lady.

The woman covered her eyes with her hands and fled from the cafe into the pouring rain with tears falling from her eyes. This was probably the most confused Yoongi had felt in a long time. Knowing that he wouldn't be able to sleep that night without checking on her, he too ran out of the cafe to find her.

She was sitting on a bench in the garden next to his hotel. Luckily, the garden was covered with a large awning, so at least it would be relatively dry. He approached slowly, not wanting her to flee again. She was furiously wiping tears from her face, but new ones kept springing up.

"Hi," Yoongi started, getting her attention. Her head flew up at the sound of his voice and she shook her head.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Are you alright?"

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