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Ministry of Magic Interrogation Room #12, November 1st, 1981, 4:03 A.M.

A young woman sat across from two middle aged men in a small, darkly lit room. Her clothing was not exactly fit for interrogation, let alone for the Ministry of fucking Magic. She wore a baby pink tutu around her waist, sparkling tinsel in her hair, and large fairy wings attached by straps to her shoulders and back. Dark eye make up mixed with the glittering gold sparkles that coated her eye lids streamed messily down her face. What a sight.

The woman had tears streaming down her pale face. She never cried; you see. Especially not in front of two large men of high power that she did not know. But, her life had just practically fallen apart only hours before, so some slack shall be cut indeed.

She was cuffed, but not because she was suspected of any crime. She was quite...aggressive when she heard the news. It was an odd sight for everyone present; a very, very short young lady dressed in a Muggle fairy Halloween costume screaming like a maniac at everyone around her.

The two men looked at her expectantly, waiting for answers to their numerous questions.

She just stared at them, her large eyes unblinking in an oh-so eerie fashion. Her naturally pale grey eyes were even lighter whilst she cried.

She sniffled, looking from one man to the other. They were growing tired of her silence game; they wanted to be out celebrating like everyone else.

"Miss. Black," the older of the two said, his greying mustache moving up and down in a humorous manner, "Please, we know you are grieving, but you must answer our questions. Did you or did you not know that your brother, Sirius Orion Black, was secretly working against the Order?"

She began to laugh. She cackled at their faces, then tilted her head back, long dark locks falling down her back between the mesh and wire wings, laughing manically at the ceiling.

The two men looked at one another with exasperation lining their matching scowls.

After a moment, her sinister grin faded into a deep frown. She spoke for the first time in an hour and a half.

"My...my... baby brother is gone, and now my b-b-best friends are t-t-too. My James...m-m-my Lily, and...well...Oh Merlin, Ja-James..." She let out a gasp of breath and covered her face with a trembling hand while setting her head against the cold granite of the table. After a silent minute, she moved her head up right, meeting the two sets of dull eyes with a watery glare, "And you've sent my big br-brother away. My...my brother. Now...now they are all g-g-g-gone. All gone."

"Miss. Black, did you know that your brother was working as a secret agent for he-who-must-not- be-named?"

"He wasn't."

"Miss. Black, he was. Did you or did you not know of his treason?"

"He wasn't."

The older man let out a long sigh and looked to the other with a look that spelled 'We aren't getting anything out of this nutter of a woman'.

"Where is Harry?" She asked for what seemed to be the thousandth time.

"He is where he needs to be."

She cackled, no trace of humor. "No, he isn't. You do know that I am his Godmother?"

"Yes, Miss. Black, we are aware-"

"So you do know he should be with me r-right now? You do know that when two parents fucking die, their fuh-fucking kid goes to the Godparents?"

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